Seducing The Cop~~smut? pt.1

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This chapter contains sexual scenes! If you are not comfortable with that type of content then please don't read! Thank you!
(Minhos POV)

Could this day get any worse?! First I stub my toe in the morning, then I get chased by a fucking squirrel, and then I'm fired from my job. Now I'm getting pulled over by a crusty musty ass cop that felt the need to stop me. Seriously though could my day get any better??

(Authors POV)

"And there goes another speeding car." Hyunjin rolls his eyes as he turned on his lights and sirens and tracked down the car. Once the person pulled over, Hyunjin got out of his car and walked up to the window, knocking on it to tell the person to roll it down.

"Do you know why I pulled you over sir?" Hyunjin said without looking at the man in the car.

"No I really don't officer care to tell me why?" Hyunjin chuckles at the others tone of voice before looking at the person. He choked on his saliva when his eyes landed on the man. Goddamn was he hot. Minho looked back at the police officer as well and nearly had a heart attack. He smirked a bit before speaking up.

"So officer, can you tell me why you pulled me over?" Minho said with a interesting tone of voice. Hyunjin sighed before explaining that Minho was speeding and he needed to see his ID.

Hyunjin looked at the mans license and read that he was Lee Minho, age 22, and he was born on October 25, 1998. Minho looked up at the boy as he was reading his license and was figuring out a way on how to get out of getting that ticket. The officer was pretty damn hot but also looked like a little baby. 'I'd totally go for that' Minho thought and smirked before speaking up.

"You look stressed officer. How long are you on patrol for? I mean it is midnight and you look like you could use a little relief." Hyunjin did not like the look he was receiving from the man he pulled over. He sighed before asking him to get out of the car so then he can check his pockets just in case because of his strange behavior. As soon as Minho got out he instantly pinned the taller to the car and leaned in real close.

"Seriously. Let me help you relieve that built up stress." Minho quickly attacked the younger boys neck, sucking harshly, creating little bruises all over his milky white skin. Hyunjin put his hands on the mans chest trying to push him away, but became weak once the other found his sweet spot.

"A-ahhh.." Hyunjin turned a deep shade of red as Minho went on said,

"You like that baby? Like it when I suck on your neck so harshly?" Hyunjin moaned at the words coming out of Minho's mouth before pushing himself against the other. Minho smirked before going back and sucking on the others neck and collarbones.

Hyunjin was getting impatient. Really impatient. Minho was right when he said he was stressed. He's been working non-stop all this week with barely any time to relax. He really did need this even if it was with a stranger. He felt like he could trust Minho though. He's usually one thats cautious around others when it comes to human contact, but he feels safe with this man in front of him.

The older wrapped his arm around Hyunjins waist, pulling him flush up against him before opening the car door. He pushed Hyunjin down onto the back seat of the cop car before climbing over him and shutting the door. Hyunjin laid there with his uniform on, shirt slightly unbuttoned, hair messy, lips parted, eyes full of lust, and his breathing fast. He looked absolutely ethereal. Minho felt his erection growing bigger by the minute.

He slowly unbuttoned the rest of Hyunjins shirt leaving it hanging off of his shoulders before going down and attaching his lips to the youngest abs. Hyunjin placed his hands in Minho's hair tugging on the strands slightly. Minho growled before biting considerably hard on Hyunjins skin, causing the boy to let out a shriek. Minho did it again and again and again, not bothering to listen to the others pleads. Minho pulled away, looking at the younger boys stomach. He saw the little blush across his face. 'Cute'.

Minho unbuckled Hyunjin's belt, throwing it on the passenger seat of the cop car. He then unbuttoned the boys pants pulling them down slowly, listening to the whines of the one below him. Hyunjin couldn't take the teasing anymore and started to kick his legs a bit telling the older to hurry the fuck up. Minho chuckled and actually listened for once. The word 'thighs' is all that came to Minho's mind at this very moment. So many words to describe them were flying through the older boy's mind. Smooth, soft, pretty, thick, milky white, almost feminine looking but also strong and muscular. He couldn't wait to attack them.

Hyunjin pouted when the other didn't take his boxers off, the feeling unbearable. He felt a warm feeling lick up his thigh. He shuddered. His thighs were so sensitive and he just lost control whenever they were touched. Minho started biting softly on Hyunjin's thighs, little squeals coming out of the younger boys mouth. 'I'm only biting softly but yet he's still squirming so much..must be sensitive. Good to know' the older boy thought, slightly smirking to himself. Minho managed to fit himself in between Hyunjin's legs. Hyunjin was so sensitive that he squeezed his thighs around Minho's head. The older chuckled while still kissing and sucking on his thighs. He grabbed ahold of the boys thighs, gently setting them down again.

Minho sat down on one of the seats, pulling Hyunjin onto his lap. Minho smiled at the smaller. Hyunjin blushed, looking down and saw his thighs and stomach all covered in purple and blue marks. He saw how the older still had his clothes on. He could see the bulge of the older boy and felt bad because he already had most of his clothing off. He fiddled with his fingers a bit before a finger lifted his chin up. Minho almost cooed at the sight in front of him.

"If you don't want to continue we don't have to sweets." Minho said as softly as he possibly could.

Hyunjin shook his head. "I want t-to continue."

Minho nodded before saying, "Well then, let's get this rolling shall we?"

What a strong way to come back!
Hi guys!! I'm back! You don't know how bad I felt by not writing. I feel so guilty. But I'm back and hopefully I'll stay. I have some important topics to talk with you all. My schedule has changed a bit. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I go to vocal lessons since I sing🤡 I don't get back from those until 6:00 pm. On Wednesdays I go to play practice and I don't get home until 6:30 pm. Monday's and Friday's are free days. I don't know about the weekends yet because in Sunday's I also go to play practice from 11:30 to 1:30 pm. And I'm usually busy on Sunday's. So I'll try to update on Monday's and Friday's. Those will be my main days that I post. For the exciting news! I'm going to an Ab6ix concert!! I'm so excited and can't wait ahhh!! I'm going with a friend and it's going to be great!
I hope you enjoyed this and the next part to it will be out by Friday! Thank you!
Also just pretend shoes don't exist in this lmao. Hyunjin's shoes just evaporated😂
Word Count: 1317

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