you have been warned.

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  Y/N was walking down an empty street. No wonder why it was empty, the city was abounded. Or... so Y/N thought. She suddenly heard a crash, from behind her. Y/N turned looking to the direction, but all se coud see was a trashcan that had fallen. "W- who's there?!" She yelled, no response. "I'm just hearing things..." she told herself. She turned back to the direction she was heading and continued walking.

  Suddenly Y/N heard more, similiar sounds from the trashcans. She drew her knife out of her pocket and slowly walked towards the trashcans.

  Y/N stopped walking as she saw a figure lying in the middle of the trashcans. It looked like a male, but was a large skeleton. It was wearing a blue hoodie. Y/N had seen monsters before, but this one was... different. It didn't have feet, but a tail, instead. "Is that a mermaid..?" Y/N wondered in her mind. However, she realized this wasn't the thing as the skeleton got up.

  His lower body was one of a snake's. He looked around for a moment before noticing Y/N staring at him. He began to slither towards Y/N. She didn't know what to do as he got closer and closer to her, until coiling his tail around her.

  He looked down at Y/N. "P- please don't eat me..!!" Y/N yelled, she was slightly panicking. The skeleton got a bit surprised of Y/N's reaction. "Calm down, I ain't gonna eat ya, not now." He said with a calm tone in his voice. "N- not now..? So you are going to eat me later?" Y/N asked, the skeleton could feel her heart beating out of fear even fater than it had before. "Well, no, but actually... uh... we'll see about that later, so you can do something about it. Maybe..." He said. It didn't calm Y/N down, she just let out a worried yelp.

  "Oh, where are my manners, hi, my name's Sans. What's yours?" The skeleton, Sans, asked. "I- I'm-- My name is Y/N..!" Y/N shouted, in the fear of Sans just sinply eating her if she wouldn't answer. "Nice to meet you... Y/N, was it?" Sans greeted Y/N. She just nodded in fear.

  Y/N began to breath harder. Sans soon noticed the reason. He loosened his coils and Y/N took a deep breath now that she was able to breathe normally again.

  All of a sudden Y/N remembered she still had her knife in her hand. She hesitated a bit, but then she stabbed Sans's tail. It didn't even get through his scales, but it was enough for him to loosen them and Y/N got free.

  Y/N begun running away from Sans. "Damn it, I can't let her get away now that she knows about me..." Sans thought since he wanted to be left in peace, and begun chasing Y/N. It didn't take him long to catch up Y/N. He caught her within his coils again, now making sure she wasn't holding the knife.

  "It seems you cannot be trusted..." Sans said, panting. He hadn't chased anything in a long while, since it wasn't even his tactic for hunting. He looked at Y/N and sighed. "Neither of us really wanted this to happen, but..." Sans said and followed a short silence. Then Y/N realized what was about to happen, as Sans brought her face closer to his.

  Sans opened his mouth wide, it was huge. Y/N didn't have too much time to think about it as Sans already brought his razorsharp teeth around he head. Y/N's head was already in as she began to react. She felt Sans's blue tongue press against her face, she was covered in Sans's salive. Y/N tried to push herself out, but it had no effect so she just kept on being pushed deeper in. Then Sans swallowed. The swallow was extremely strong. Y/N was already sliding down Sans's throat. Sans made a second swallow. Y/N's head reached a larger area, which apparently was Sans's stomach.

  "P- please stop!" Y/N yelled, she was panicking and trying to push herself out with all the force she had. It didn't take long until Y/N was fully curled up inside Sans's stomach. She didn't even make much of a bulge, even though it was most likely the result of Sans's physics.

  Y/N was terrified of what just had happened to her. "Please, let me out! I beg you! I'll do anything!" Y/N yelled afraid, crying. "I'm sorry, ok? I just really needed to eat, in an order to survive. And I can't trust you, either." Sans said in response. "I can find you something else to eat! I probably didn't even taste that good! And doesn't it hurt having me here?!" Y/N shouted, still struggling, trying to get out in a way or another. "My decision stays. Also, your taste was absolutely delicious, and you feel so good in there..!" Sans said, he sounded quite sad but at the same time he was fully enjoying the feeling of having Y/N in his stomach.

(to be continued?)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2019 ⏰

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