Chapter five

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Chapter Five


24th Spetember 2009

"OMG! YOU'RE NATALIA! YOU'RE SO PRETTY!!!"  a petite blonde haired girl squeeled as I walked down the staircase.

"And you are?" I asked. stupid question Natalie! That was so rude.


This was Charlotte? I imagined her as an uptight very organized tall brunette girl. But I can already tell, Charlotte  and I are going to be great friends.

"It's so nice to meet you, but I havn't had breakfast yet." I blushed bright red. I quickly glanced at the living room clock. 8:04. I am already late.

"I'ts fine Nat. We will get breakfast on the way there!"

Nat? I already like this girl. Even though she knows I'm royalty, she treats me like a normal person.

"Ok! Let's go!"

I glanced at my mum and saw her clutching a blue crystal purse. "Don't forget this sweat pea. There is already a phone inside and all the necessary contacts you need. There is a Royalty Credit Card so it has unlimited money. Just spend as much money you want. The number is 4420 668311. Take care."

I grabbed my purse and hurried out the door. "Have fun!" I heard my father shout just as I closed the door.

Infront of me was another limousine infront of me, but this one had tinted windows and was white. I also noticed that this limo was a lot longer than the other one. I guess there would be a lot of shopping required for the next couple of day. 

A day of terror. A make over.


I really like Charlotte. She is really out going and she never makes anything awkward. She has such a great taste in fashion as i found out that her old job was a fashion designer.

But one thing I found out was that I didn't want to be on her bad side. She could go all crazy...

The drive was long.. a whole hour.... until we arrived at a very VERY tall building. Contiana Design.


"Oh um, about the name... only Contianans are allowed in this building and today was closed to everyone with an exception to royalty  and VIPs so since you are royalty and kind of a VIP, you are allowed to come. By the end of the day, you will be so damn HOT that all the eligable bachelors at the end og the month ball will fall at your feet." Charlotte giggled.

Wow. She was way more excited about this than I was.

I was just about to pull the handle and get out of the car when Derrick suddenly pulled it open and I started falling. I closed my eyes, waiting for my neck to snap.

But it never came. I felt to warm arms wrapped around my waist. I slowly opened my eyes and stared into pair of crystal blue eyes. They were so mesmerising.

His mouth opened and closed several times and my eyes landed onto his perfect kissable lips. I looked back up into his eyes and he gave me a questioning glance. Was there something I missed?

"Sorry?" I asked.

"I asked if we were okay, miss?" He had the most sexiest voice I have ever heard.  He had a very strong british accent.

"Yes?" I replied in a questioning tone.

The mystery boy chuckled. Wow. I could listen to him laugh all day.

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