Chapter Fourteen

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I decided that I would not put too much detail on the classes with duchess Kathryn, since it is quiet boring so, I just skip ahead and add a few details....



Chapter Fourteen

Natalie's Point Of view

Three weeks has already past and they have been the best three weeks in my life. Charlie has been the greatest personal assistant and Ricky and Rach have been as throng as ever.

And last but not least, Connor.

I told mother and father about him and they agreed that he was a good choice. He was charming, sweet, funny, handsome... Oh the list could go on.

He had already taken me on a million dates, despite my disappearances throughout the week, because of Duchess Kathryn's princess lessons. But everything in my life was absolutely perfect.

I had finally mastered how to walk upright, even without a book on my head, after three painful lessons. Aunt Kathryn also taught me how to eat with about a million spoons and forks and knives. Apparently I was no allowed to pick a random one but I had to eat from outside to inside.

I also had to walk in heals. My feet were threatening to fall off. But how I managed is beyond me. I can also run in them.

My fashion sense is actually ok now. I learned that there were many shades of pink, green, blue, yellow and they all had names such as chartreuse.

I learned how to drink all sorts of wine and taste all sorts of food.

I spent all of my free time with Connor, Charlie, Ricky and Rach. Blake never came back or rather, I never saw him, ever since Connor and I became official. Caitlin Ramsey and Laser I. Rellik didn't visit ever since my breakdown after Nate. But everything's good.

Except I am not ready. There is only a week until October 22nd. The ball. The day Connor finds out I am the princess of Contiana. I feel really bad about lying to him though.

Today is Thursday. Antonio, my limo driver apparently was a dancer in his time so he teaches me dance classes on Thursdays. Rosie, my maid apparently is twenty two and has a major in literature and minor in journalism, so she teaches me literature on Fridays.

"Good morning your highness." Antonio greeted me as he walked into the training ballroom.

I nodded and replied, "Good morning to you too Antonio, but I have already told you, call me Natalia, I am not used to all the formalities even if it has already been 4 weeks.

Antonio smiled and nodded. "Yes, of course Miss."

I sighed and shook my head. None of the help Listen tome apparently they all grew up learning to talk to their masters like that.

"Anyway last week we learnt ballet and breakdancing today we shall learn ballroom dancing. Since this is our last lesson, I will teach you the traditional Contianan ballroom dance. You shall dance this With all of the eligible bachelors that night. It is actually quite simple there are only 12 steps in this dance." Antonio began.

He put his hand on my back and held my right hand. I put my left on his shoulder.

I looked down at my feet, making sure I was wearing heels for practise, since I will be dancing in heels that night.

"Okay, Step one, your left foot will step forward and my right foot will step backwards. Then you keep on walking for three more steps until the male will spin you around, so you so the opposite for three steps. Then you will use your right foot and point it to the right. The male will do the same, but using his left foot. you will then both criss-cross across the floor until you've taken another three steps. Then, the male will turn you to the right and he will spin you in three full circles while walking around you. During this process, you would have moved 5 meters down the ballroom. The final step will be him, bowing, while you soon follow suit by curtsying. He will tell you his name and position in society. He will kiss your hand and then you shall begin the dance again with a different man. There are 182 men,so you better be able to control your stamina."

I sighed. It is going to be a long long day.


I'm so sorry. It's a short chappie.

I'm so tired. It was my brother's sixth birthday and we played 9 rounds of bowling. FOUR HOURS. now my arms are sore.

I try and update a little more.

Anyway. Enjoy and continue reading!



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