Welcome to Beacon

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John POV

We sit in an interrogation room. The exact opposite of what I was expecting. The woman who saved us is scolding us for helping Mr. Whiley.

Woman: I hope you two understand the consequences of your actions. You put yourselves and others in grave danger.
Ruby: They started it!
Woman: If it we're up to me, you'd be sent home with a pat on the back...

She looks at Ruby, who has a little smile on her face.

Woman: And a slap on the wrist!

She slaps her discipline stick (that's what me and the lads called it in primary school) at Ruby's hand, to which Ruby immediately recoiled.
The woman sighed.

Woman: But there is someone here who would like to meet you.

A man in a green suit with glasses enters the room holding a plate of cookies.

Man: John Fish and Ruby Rose.

I'm just going to assume that he's the person I'm supposed to talk to, since I'm not from this world. He looks at Ruby.

Man: You...have silver eyes.
Ruby: U-umm...

He holds up a small tablet showing me and Ruby fighting the Gang members.

Man: So, where did you learn to do this?
Ruby:S-Signal academy.

He looks at me. I better stick to my story in case he sent by the guy I'm supposed to meet.

Me: Oscuro academy.
Man: You're from Vaccuo?
Me: Yes sir.

He looks at Ruby.

Man: While I understand his fighting method, given his purely ranged weapons, I am curious. The teachers at Signal taught YOU to wield one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed?
Ruby: Well, one teacher in particular.
Man: I see.

He puts the plate of cookies down in front of us. Ruby looks at me. Being questioned in a dark room tends to ruin my appetite, so I let her have them.
They were gone in five seconds.

Man: it's just that I've only seen one other scythe wielder of that kind before. A dusty old crow.
Ruby: Oh, tha ma unmle mo.

He just looks at her.

Ruby: Sorry. That's my uncle Qrow. He's a teacher at Signal. I was complete garbage before he took me under his wing. Now I'm all like HWAA, CHEAAA, NYAAA.
Man: So I've noticed. And what is an adorable little girl such as yourself doing in a school designed to train warriors?
Ruby: I want to be a huntress.
Man: You want to slay monsters?


Ruby: Yes. See, my sister's going to beacon so that she can be a huntress, and I'm trying to become a huntress because I want to help people. My parents always told us to help people, so I thought "Eh, I might as well make a career out of it." I mean the police are okay, but huntsmen and huntresses are just so much cool and romantic and just, GAAH, y'know!?

The man and woman just look at her.

Man: Do you know who I am?
Ruby: You're Professor Ozpin. You're the headmaster at Beacon.

A headmaster of a combat school?

Ozpin: Hello.
Ruby: Nice to meet you.
Ozpin: You want to come to my school?
Ruby: More than anything.

Ozpin looks at the woman, who rolls her eyes. Then he looks back at Ruby.

Ozpin: Well, alright then.

Then he looks at me.

Ozpin: if you'll excuse me, I wish to talk to young Mr. Fish in private for a few moments.

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