chapter 1: The Demon

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Hey guys!
I'm going to break the fourth wall and say that I as the author was bored and didn't know what to right so if there are a lot of errors then I am very sorry. I hope you enjoy this book.

So around 255,666 years ago there was a war. But it wasn't a normal war of humans. It was a war between three races of God(The Demons, The Angels and The Heroes). The war started when team was made. This team was made of angels and heroes who despised the demons because they possessed the ancient sword called Ex-Excalibur. The only sword made of the only fragments of the true sword of Excalibur.

However not any Demon can wield the sword. There is always a trial every 100 years for the next Demon to become the Demon king who can wield this sword and protect the whole race.

Hi, I'm Kazumi Wrath. I'm a demon. And today is the day of trial. But I won't be entering it because I'm going to train and learn how to control my aura and magical power. See here I'm sorta like a big deal in the country thanks to my power and magic level. See at the age of nine my power level was way over the average power level of a nine year old. My magic aura started to leak out of my body the more I used my magic so I had special magic and aura control tutors to help with my control so it doesn't leak our off my body again. But let me tell you about a fight had around a week ago.

I was walking to the kings castle after getting a summons from his majesty himself. 4 knights grabbed and took me to their usual "hang out" spot (which by the wat is in the middle of town, where everyone can see us) and told me to fight them. They said to get in my usual fighting stance. But since I created it I had the up chance in the fight. My fighting stance is called the Ex-slayer.

I started to chant a spell.
"I who shall burn the enemies of dragons, the slayer of all sins."I shouted.
" I, Kazumi Wrath, will lay the flames of dragons and burn your foul sins."
"Juggernaut drive! Blade!" I shouted with a magic circle infront of me.
A sword appeared. I grabbed and stood in my stance.
One of the knights said
"You think you can defeat four of the kings knight, you peasant."
I smirked.
"I do actually." I said with a cocky tune in my voice.
"Lightning speed, Fast Bullet!!" I said.
I disappeared for a second and reappeared in my stance as if I never moved.
"Arrrghhh!!!" The 4 knights screamed in agony. They all collapsed.
"Next time, find information on your opponent before challenging them."I said.
So yeah that's what happened.

But the main reason I want to control my power is to protect someone special to me. But she is of a different race then me. She is an angel. So we can't really see each other. But I made a promised to her. I would take her to a peaceful place where no wars are being held and where civilization is peaceful.

So I have to get stronger and control my power to make the promise a reality. But for now I have to gain more control on my magical ability and aura.

Apart from this reason, I just feel to lazy to be apart of the trial.

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