Bad Boy!! Masamune!! Sengoku!!

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A/N- This is my first imagine so please no hate...
Be my bad boy, be my man

*Masamune's POV*
'She's so cute, I want her to be mine.... but she might say no...' I thought of how Y/N was so hot in her new dress she made today, 'Why are we only friends with benefits?' I asked myself, oh yeah I forgot to mention that. 'Me and her are enemies, she rules over the rival clan, so it would be weird if all of a sudden we started dating.' I told myself, I was so busy in my own thoughts that I had completely forgot that I was in the middle of a war council, "MASAMUNE!" Hideyoshi yelled at me, my head jerked up and I felt embarrassed, "S-Sorry... I was just thinking..." Hideyoshi rolled his eyes while Nobunaga chuckled. Hideyoshi and Nobunaga are the only ones who know about my crush on Y/N, if any of the other warlords found out that would cause total chaos! I sat and listened but kept thinking about Y/N.....
~Time Skip~
*Masamune's POV*
Once the war council ended I went back to my room and sat down at my desk, I noticed a small envelope on it, I picked it up and saw Y/N's name on it. I freaked out and took a breath and opened it...
Dear Masamune,
I'm heading back to my own Territory today! There's nothing for me to do besides nights with you, I'm sorry to say this but I'm done with us being "friends" with benefits when we both know that we're just rivals who do one night stands with each other....
Anyways I wanted to tell you that I'm glad that I got to meet everyone here in Azuchi especially you, Masamune, I really do admire your craziness! Anyways I just wanted to tell you that I, uh......... I love you Masamune, I love you very deeply..... but I know that you'll never love me and that we can never be a couple due to us being rivals.... if I see you on the battle field and we have to fight, I understand, anyways I wish you the best of luck with Oshu and everything else. Goodbye.
I put the letter down and sighed, 'I let her go....' I thought as I got up and walked out of my room and down the hall. I walked past the council room which Hideyoshi and Nobunaga were in, "Masamune come in here." I walked in and looked up at Nobunaga, "Whats wrong, Masamune?" Hideyoshi asked me, I sighed, "Y/N left for her territory today... she wrote me a letter saying how she's done with our one night stands, how she understands if we see each other on a battle field......" "That's not all.... is it Masamune?" Nobunaga asked, they both looked so concerned for me, like ones parents would for their child, "S-She told me she loves me..... but she also said that she knows that I don't love her back and how we can't be together....." I teared up just talking about it, "Oh..." Nobunaga looked at the ground and sighed, Hideyoshi patted my shoulder and looked at me with a sympathetic smile. "I think I'm gonna go head back to Oshu...." I told them, "No." Nobunaga said, he started to smile I looked over at Hideyoshi and saw that he too had a smile, "Look, Masamune, I got an idea!!" "What?" I asked, Hideyoshi's face lit up, "YEAH! WE CAN DO THAT!" He yelled as he ran off, Nobunaga ran after him. 'What just happened...?' I asked myself. "MASAMUNE GET YOUR FAT ASS OVER HERE NOW!!" I heard Hideyoshi and Nobunaga yell, I gave a little laugh and ran after them.....
~Time Skip~
"Do you really think it will work?" I ask as I look at the paper in front of me, "Yes. I'm sure of it." Sasuke told me as I got on my horse. Me, Hideyoshi, and Nobunaga went all the way to Kasugayama to get help from Sasuke. Kenshin at first tried to kill us along with Kennyo and Shingen, but after Yukimura and Sasuke stopped them and we told them our problem they agreed to help us. "I'm not sure she will say yes..." "Listen, Masamune, if you don't go now, then you'll never know now will you?" Kenshin asked as he gave me a bag of food and water. "Thanks again guys.." I said as I smiled at them, Kenshin gave me a smile back, "Don't worry about it. Y/N stopped on her way back and told us that if you come by to not help you but when you told us how much you loved her, we just had to." Ranmaru said as he gave me a wink, "Just don't tell her that we did that ok? She'll have our heads!" Yukimura luaghed, Yoshimoto laughed too and handed me a small gift we bought earlier in the day. "Here. Be sure to give it to her.." "Ok. Will do!" I said, I put the stuff in the side bag that was strapped on the saddle, I took a deep breath and snapped the reins and my horse took off. I waved goodbye and started my journey towards Y/T/N (Your Territory's Name).....
~Time Skip.... AGAIN~
*Masamune's POV*
I finally got to Y/T/N and got off my horse and took off the bag and started walking towards Y/N's castle. Once I got to the bridge I saw Y/N standing there looking at the water running below the bridge. I walked up to her and stood next to her looking at her. "What are you doing here, Masamune?" She asked as she turned to face me, "I came here to tell you something. Is that not ok.... Kitten?" She blushed at my nickname for her and looked back at the water, she then sighed and turned her body and face towards me, "Ok... start talking..." She said as she waited, I pulled out the piece of paper that I had written the stuff down on, I took a deep breath and began. "Y/N, I want to tell you that every night that we spent together I wanted to keep you there in my arms forever. I never want to let you go, I was worried that you wouldn't love me if I told, but every time I thought about you I couldn't stop myself from wanting you to be mine, I don't care if our clans are rivals, I don't care at all. I guess what I'm trying to say is that.... you were wrong. I, uh-" I stopped and took a deep breath, I looked up at Y/N and she had taken a few steps back and had tears in her eyes. "I love you, Y/N...." I finished, I put the piece of paper back into my bag as I looked at her, she ran towards me and threw her arms around my neck and kissed me, "Mmm-!" I mumbled as she kissed me harder, she pulled away, "I love so much Masamune!" She yelled as she kissed me again and again, I pulled away, and gave her a smile, "So that leaves on question..." I got out the little gift and got down on one knee and opened the box to reveal a small ring, " Y/N L/N. Will you be my girlfriend, and once the time is right... maybe even my wife?" I asked, Y/N had tears streaming down her face as she nodded, I got up and hugged her to me, I then put the ring on her finger, (Image Above). She laughed, "A dragon with blue eyes..!" "Well, yeah, that way everyone knows that your the One-Eyed Dragon's girl!" I laughed, Y/N then gasped and pushed me away, "What?" I asked, Y/N then pointed at her room which was on the top floor, "A man just asked me to marry him and he's waiting up there!!" She then ran over to me and hugged me harder, "I wanna stay with you!" I put my arms around her and made her look up at me, "Let's go talk to the guy, I'm sure he will understand." She nodded and we started to make our way towards her room. Once we got there, we opened the door and to my horror there was my other rival, "Corbin." I say as I tighten my grip on Y/N's hand. "Hi, Masamune. I think I'll just take Y/N." Corbin said as he tried to take Y/N, I pulled Y/N closer to me. That's when Corbin noticed the ring on her finger. "Wow. So, Masamune got to you first, huh?" "Listen, Corbin, I love Masamune and there's nothing you can do to change that." Y/N tried to say but Corbin just stormed out. Once we heard the castle doors close, I looked at Y/N, "Well, that could've gone worse..." "Yeah..." "Listen, Y/N, I'm sorry for causing this..." "It's not your fault Masamune. You were just following your heart. I can't tell you how many times I wanted to do that but didn't..." She mumbled the last part, I smiled at her, "Looks like our clans aren't rivals anymore!" "Yup!" Just then one of the guards came in, "Lord Masamune!" "Yes?" I asked him, "Right before Lord Corbin left he declared war on the DateClan!" "Oh shit..." I looked down at Y/N and saw her smiling. "Y/N...?" I asked, the guard just looked at her and nodded, "Yes, Lord Y/N!" He then bowed and ran off, "Y/N...?" I asked again, Y/N then looked up at me, "Let's go kick some Cliff ass!" She said as she grabbed her swords and ran out, I put a hand on mine and ran after her, I heard her yelling, "GET MINE AND LORD MASAMUNE'S HORSES READY!!" I finally caught up to her, "Why? The war hasn't started yet!" She then looked at me, "That way we can tell Kenshin and the others! I already know that you went there for help!" I looked at the ground, "Oops..." "Also because they didn't do what I asked them to do!" She laughed as we got on our horses and rode off, 'Yup, I love her..' I thought as I rode off to catch up to her........

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