Past Chapter: Vs Cell, The Final Clash

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Cell: Now (Y/n).......let us begin round three!

You just glared at him as your auras flared around each other. You glanced twords Vegeta feeling his ki, it was faint but still there.

Cell: Bet you wish you didn't send them away with those beans now don't you?

You glared back at Cell who only smirked. You could tell Cell had gained his confidence and composer back rather easily at his revival. You could easily tell he was much more powerful without even needing to sense.

(Y/n): *Mind* Piccolo.....can you hear me?


At the look out Piccolo sat Gohan down while the other went searching for the dragon balls.

(Y/n): *Mind* Piccolo can you hear me?

Piccolo: Huh?.....(Y/n)?.....*Mind* I hear you loud and clear

(Y/n): *Mind* Good, look I need you to get a senzu bean here to Vegeta.....Cell got him and he's fading fast.....I'm going to lead Cell away

Piccolo: *Mind* Ok.....I'll send carful kid


Piccolo: *Mind* Ok.....I'll send carful kid

(Y/n): *Mind* I will.....

Cell: So.....

You drew your attention back to the bio android.

Cell: If your done thinking.....

Suddenly he dashed at you at an insane speed. His fist flew at you but you jumped over it going for a kick to his head but he vanished making your eyes go wide. Cell appeared behind you kicking you in the back sending you forward. He appeared in front of you and punched your chaw sending you upward into the air. Your grunted from the pain as some blood ran down your lip, you felt him appear above you and reacted quickly. You flipped and spun to slow yourself, blocking a sledgehammer attack from Cell your your forearm causing a shock wave. You glared at Cell feeling some pain in your arm from the strike.

Cell: Impressive.....seems you can still keep up.....

You swung his arms away kicking his left side and followed up with a right hook sending him back. You flew at him forming an orb of ki and stopped in front of him firing. The blast sent him back more but he spread his wings allowing himself to stop. He chuckled with a smirk as he flew at you becoming a blur before his fist connected with your stomach.

(Y/n): *Blood flys from mouth* GUAH!

You grunted and gripped his arm but stopped as he slammed his other fist into your cheek sending you back. He raised his arms causing some chunks of rubble to flout up then slammed them around you.

Cell: Is that all you got (Y/n)? So sad.....I had high hopes for

A light began shining out of the rocks as he felt a massive amount of energy.

(Y/n): *Rocks shatter as your aura grows massive* HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!

Cell: *Smirk* Thats more like it!

You lowered your arms, the left half of you (f/c) gi shirt gone. You reached up and gripped it ripping it off leaving your (s/f/c) undershirt. Your aura flared as you rushed at Cell vanishing appearing beside him with an elbow to the side of his head.

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