Chapter Two: Another New Face

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(Y/n): Hiya!

(Y/n) slammed his fist into an enemy sending them skidding back. Another monster came up from behind but he was able to sense it in time to flip over it. He landed and unleashed a ki wave sending it into a wall were it bursted into 1's and 0's.

(Y/n): That all ya got?

He smirked at some other monsters that growled. Neptune and Nepgear were not far away watching him fight. They had had a run in with a group of monsters wich (Y/n) insisted he took on alone. His goal for this was to test how effective he was against the creatures of this world and learn better about them. Nepgear, though it took a lot and a promise for a massive amount of pudding managed to get Neptune to agree to stay out of the fight. Both sisters watched as he drop kicked a monster in the face and flipped back.

Neptune: Wow he's good, think he does this a lot at his home?

Nepgear didn't respond as she watched still thinking back to the power he had let out. She wasn't to shocked at the amount he had, she and her sister have fought beings around the same level before but it was how he had unleashed the power. She thought back to the end of the fight were she thought she was gonna be crushed.....killed.....but then he saved her.....and transformed. She remembered the calm look he had even when anger was present.

Neptune: Hey Nepgear hello?

Nepgear: H-huh?

Nepgear was brought out of her head as she felt a finger poking her cheek. Her eyes turned to see her sister with a confused look.

Neptune: Ah there you are.....geez you need to stop zoning out so much Nep Jr

Nepgear: Oh...sorry Neptune

Neptune: Ah its alright.....what were you thinking about?

Nepgear: O...oh uhhh.....

She looked to see (Y/n) punching a monster repeatedly in the face and figured he wouldn't be able to hear them.

Nepgear: I was thinking about (Y/n).....I think he-

Neptune: Awww does my little sister have a crush?

This made Nepgears face heat up slightly as her cheeks gained a pink dot each

Nepgear: N-no its n-nothing like that!

Neptune let out a chuckle at her sisters reaction.

Neptune: Calm down sis, I'm just messing with you.....anyhow continue

Nepgear let out a sigh closing her eyes as she calmed herself down her blush fading. She then opened her eyes looking back at Neptune.

Nepgear: I...think (Y/n) may be some form of CPU

Neptune: What?.....what makes you sat that?

Nepgear: During the fight....he had.....transformed.....his hair spiked up, he had a golden light surrounding him.....and his eyes became a green color.....his power shot up.....but I'm not 100% sure.....unlike us his appearance didn't change.....he didn't seem to have changed personality like you do either.....

Neptune: Hmmm.....I doubt it.....I mean neither one of us could get any shares.....and no plot hole exists to allow him to either....maybe it was just some form of magic from his world.....

Nepgear: Hmmm.....maybe.....

they refocused on (y/n) who had his arms busy being pulled by two beasts each and another came for his back side.

(Y/n): Oh crap!

Its fist was stopped inches away, confusing the girls till they saw the cause.....something brown and fuzzy had wrapped around its arm. The brown and fuzzy thing.....was a monkey's tail. (Y/n) proceeded to break the beasts arm with his tail making it wine in pain before he slammed the tip of the tail into its gut. He finished his assault with a slap across the face sending it flying and into a wall finishing it off as it bursted into data.

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