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Rant : y'all so I really wanted to end this book but I can't for some reason a lot of stuff was either left unsaid or just not explained clear enough!



It's been one week and everybody is officially back in L.A except lexii and Nae of course.

Mila adjusted the strap on her book bag as she pulled her suitcase through the airport , she was tired for some reason .

It was way too soon for her to be traveling considering her incident happened three months ago but she didn't really care she needed the breather .

She closed her eyes tightly as she thought back to the events that occurred months back her first day out the hospital .

She missed racks but she couldn't go back , not after what happened and over and over again she vowed to herself she had to move forward.

"Jamila girl come on" Lani says tapping her hard

"What? Oh my bad I was in a daze" Mila says kinda happy that Lani knocked her out of her thoughts .

"I wonder what my baby would of looked like , I wonder if it was a girl or boy" Mila says randomly thinking out loud

This was a habit she had picked up over the last months .

Whenever she started to think , it would hurt her head unless she thought out loud .

Lani ignored her and continued to let her thoughts wonder as she packed her things inside the Uber .

Everybody was taking separate Ubers except Lani , Jass and Mila because they was all going to the same place .

Lani and Mila now share a pent house, since they both single and was lending on each other they purchased an pent house together .

Only time Lani went to her condo was when she needed space or if she did not feel like being bothered with anybody and sometimes she went there to link
up with Kalib .

Every since Mila got shot she was very dependent on others now and she never wanted to be alone .

Although Lani didn't mind it she felt like Mila was smothering her and she didn't like it sometimes .

"Mila come on" Jass yelled from inside the Uber she was ready to curl up under her covers and go to bed .

But Mila has other plans since she kept falling into a daze it was taking way too long for them to leave the airport .

Lani snatched the suitcase from Mila rolling her eyes , it was six in the morning and she was dragging like nobody wasn't tired .

"Oh I'm sorry , I keep thinking about stuff and it zones me out" Mila rushed to the car climbing in .

Mila put her head down thinking about racks , she couldn't believe him .

𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖒: 𝖑Where stories live. Discover now