The Date

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~~~~~~~~~ Emilys pov ~~~~~~

I woke up vary refreashed. I rubbed my eyes and saw it was cloudy outside. Oh well I didn't care. I was way too happy, I had a date with Hayes tonight. I jumped out of bed and saw the time as I walked by my clock. Oh wow, I slept in late. It was 1:00pm. My date is at 5:00. I have four hours to get ready. I ran to get my clothes on. When I walked out of my closet I heard yelling. I went to walk down the hallway.

"Thats not fair. I want to do her makeup." Ashton shouted. Really they are arguing over doing my makeup.

"Fine, I will do her hair." Anna said.

I walked in tye room and saw the guys laughing. I smiled and they smiled back. The girls stopped arguing. I just rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Hey sleepy head. You slept late." Shawn said. I nodded and sat down and layed my head on Hayes's lap. He smiled and rubbed my shoulder.

We sat like that for a good hour watching the guys play Call of Duty. Hayes

Then got up and went somewhere. My smile faded but came back when I saw him agian. He sat down beside me and we cuddled. It ended up 3:00. Ashton rushed me into the shower. Anna and Ashton sat on my bed as I took a shower.

I washed my hair with my pomagante shampoo and conditioner. I then shaved and washed my body with rose body wash. I got out and put lotion on. I then put on my undergarments and a robe. I walked out to be pushed into a chair.

Anna did my hair. She strightened it and then curled it softly. The Ashton took over and did my makeup. My eye makeup a smokey brown and gold look. She put in a soft pink to give it a sunset color. Then she added eyeliner. She put on my fondaution. Then she put on my powder. She lastly put on a highlighter on my nose and cheek bones. Lastly she put on a light pink rose blush. They both handed me a box with a card. The card said, 'To: my amazing girlfriend. I hope you love this. I thought of you when I saw it. Shawn thinks it is just like you.' I smiled at the note.

I opened the box and saw a beautiful baby pink dress. It was lace and hit about at the knee. I then saw another box that was laying on the bed. The card was from Shawn. 'My younger sister. You are growing up quickly. Keep in mind you are only 15. Dont grow up to fast.' Ashton put in a dvd of a slide show. Somehow he found pictures of me and my friends growing up. There was a picture of me and Ashton hugging. Then a picture of us kissing each others cheek when I was 13. I remember that. It was the summer of 2013. It was a week before I was leaving for New York. I was going to be gone for three weeks. It was so hard for us. The song that was playing was 'Lego house' by Ed Sheeren. Ashton let a tear slide down her cheek. The guys were in the door way to the room. Ashton ran to me. We hugged and it was the sweetest moment. I had watched her grow up and she watched me grow up. I smiled and we pulled apart.

Shawn walks up and hands me something. He handed me sparkly gold pumps. I was lookin at them at the mall 2 weeks ago. They were way to expensive. I hugged him and he handed me a silver necklace and a gold necklace. The silver one said ' I have his heart'. I smiled and noticed Shawn had a silver necklace on too. I looked closer and it said 'My heart is taken'. I smiled. Then I looked at the gold one. It had two rings on it. A gold one and a silver ring. The gold said Little sister on it. The silver one said Big brother on it.

Then he handed me a silver ring. It was thin and said forvever on it. He had one on aswell that said always on it. I smiled and hugged him.

"I love you." He whispered in my ear. I smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

They were all shooed out so I could get dressed. When I walked out of my bathroom I heard gasps. I smiled as they took pictures. I felt grown up. I walked out of the room and down the hallway. I heard Shawn singing a song. He was singing his song 'Life of the party'. I smiled and wiped a tear off. I was too emotinal. These guys did so much for me. Shawn came over and hugged me. I heard someone clear their throat. I turned around and saw Hayes in a tux. I smiled as he hugged me. The guys smiled and took pictures. Hayes bent down and kissed me. The guys ohhed and awwed. I smiled into the kiss. I felt sparks and relized this was real. We broke apart and starred into each others eyes.

Shawn walked over to the door and grabbed my hand bag. He then walked me out with Hayes. We saw Hayes's mom and step dad. So this was a double date. Hayes opened the door for me. Before I got in I smiled at Shawn. I ran to get my bag. He hugged me.

"You are growing up so fast. Please slow down. I tomorrow is your wedding day and you will be gone. Please don't grow up. I love you Emily. We all love you." Shawn said. I smiled and hugged him.

"You will never lose me. Giving me a way does not mean I will take the way you give me. I wish I could stay here like this forever. Unforntetly we all grow up. Now it's my turn. I love you Shawn." I said. We hugged and then I got into the car. We waved by and went to our date.

When we got to the fancy restraunt Hayes helped me out. I smiled at the light decorated. I saw a privite property sign. This is their own restruant. Hayes walked me in. We sat down and talked. Our food came and we ate. We barely ate. We laughed and then I saw a big screen. I heard a song start playing. 'Never grow up' by Taylor Swift. Then I saw pictures of me over the past month and a half. I had a picture of me a Shawn. He was kissing my cheek. I realized I would miss all the guys when I left in 2 weeks. I would miss Hayes the most. This was so hard. At the end of the slide show Hayes kissed me.

"I love you so much." He whispered. I smiled and hugged him.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ After date ~~~~~~~~~

I went home and was really tried. Hayes laid down with me and we fell asleep their.

"I love you. Goodnight." Hayes said and kissed me goodnight. Tonight was amazing. I wonder what will happen when we go back to Canada.

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