Familiar Face

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Shayne's POV

I walked into the office. Today I was auditioning for Smosh. This was different than normal auditions, though. Smosh is a youtube channel. I was the only one in the lobby. I swear someone else was auditioning today. All the sudden, a blonde girl bust through the door. "I'm late! Fuck, sorry. I'm late." She says. 

"Don't worry about it!" I smile. She sits down next to me.

"I can't believe I'm late on my first audition." She mutters. First audition?! Oh god, she's probably nervous. 

"Hey, don't worry about it!" I say to her. 

She looks up from her bag. "Thanks!" She goes back to looking through her bag. "I'm Courtney by the way." She says.

"Shayne. Nice to meet you." Then, two people walk out of the room. They look like alternate universe versions of us. They definitely just finished auditioning. They walk out the door, and Courtney and I sit on the couch waiting. Only a minute later I hear someone say "Shayne Topp?" from the other room. "See you later." I Wave to Courtney as I walk to the back. I see three people sitting in chairs. Two of them I knew from the channel. And the one on my right, though i'd Never seen him on the channel, looked all to familiar. I think for a second. "Noah?" I ask him. 

He looks up at me. "Shayne? As in, Shayne from that improv place?"

"Yes! Noah, it's been forever!" He gets out of his chair and hugs me. 

"Who knew our paths would cross again!" Anthony, who's seated in the middle, and Ian look back and forth very confused. "Oh, uh, Shayne and I had this improv thing about... 5 years ago? We met doing improv together, I was in the younger class and... yeah. We met a while ago." 

Ian nods with a confused look on his face. "Well it's cool we could reconnect you two!" Anthony says with a smile. "Let's start the audition."

Oh gosh, I can't believe I get to see him again. He's adorable. I'm so happy we crossed paths. I do my Tom Cruise impression. All three of them laughed. But one caught my eye. Noah's. His laugh. It's so cute, just like him. I hope I'm not blushing. I'm able to finish the audition.

"Well, that was great! We'll talk about it and see if you get the job!" Anthony says. 

"Once again, nice to see you again Shayne. Um, if you want to meet up at subway, I'll be there in an hour." Did he just... invite me to eat with him? I smile and nod. I walk out the room. Just as I leave, I hear Courtney's name get called. I rushed out of there, I didn't want him to see my... anyways. I whip out my phone, and put a reminder to meet at subway in 45 minutes. I wanted to be early. I get home and get ready, but don't change my outfit. I didn't want him to see that I was getting fancy for him. But I showered and combed my hair again and quickly ironed my shirt. 4:43. Noah would be here around 5:00. I can't wait to hear his adorable voice again.

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