ch. 17 | indifferent

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I started wincing knowing that my mind was flooded again with memories that began to engrave themselves in me. I couldn't let go. I couldn't stop myself from feeling anything because somehow it felt like I was prevented to. My life was supposed to be suppressed and I was only supposed to see the bad parts of my life so now when everything found itself back to me I remembered. Pain, love all of the things that me who I am and the parts that I was meant to forget in order to be one with ebony.

"You're broken." A voice echoed in my ear.

Another spoke, "Let go."

Suddenly, I found myself on a soft cushioned mattress. I was back on earth, a place I wanted to destroy and now I felt so lost yet saddened because I knew what I had done. All I could see was a bright light overhead and I felt a heavy weight on me. Then, I awoke to find myself alone and knowing that scared me, but I was confused as to why I was suddenly on earth. When I turned to my side I could see the monitor with my heart rate and all I could think about was the life I left behind and my reasoning as to why I took in ebony. I turned my head once more as a doctor walked in.

"You're going to be fine. It seems as though you suffered from a minor concussion."

"Ugh... what am I doing here?"

"Well, it seems you were found on the streets and some guy stumbled upon you so now you're here."

"Why am I here?" I gritted.

"I thought it was pretty obvious. Heh, anyway you can leave by tomorrow, but we'll be making sure that you don't have any further problems so we'll be taking a brain scan."

I nodded and turned away while he just smiled slightly then I heard his footsteps fade away. It was obvious that he was the one who found me though I couldn't recognize who he was because I felt something. My head was even in more pain trying to think of who he was and if he even meant anything to me. Later when I had taken a nap a nurse came by to wake me up for the exam and a quick visit. A knock echoed and ringed in my ear making me rub my temple as I was sensitive. I turned and got up from my bed walking toward the silhouette revealing another man.

"...Who are you?" I groaned.

"My name is Charles," he replied in a Danish accent.

I craned my neck to the side. He sounds and feels familiar to me, but why? Charles... I nodded and went back to my bed as I sat upright while he followed behind just a couple of steps away from me. He extended his hand out to me which seemed to signify that we haven't really met.

"I'm... your brother, Melinoe."

I choked, "...Liar. You sound well... disgusted."

"Actually, you and I never really got along, but I'm here to take you back."

I laid myself back down as I was comforted by the warm blankets. I pushed aside my hair and sighed heavily while I looked back at him. My eyes were adjusted to everything yet I couldn't figure out who this man was. My memories were supposed to come back and I'm here still trying to figure everything out. The part that I remembered was that I was in the underworld, but that's all. And after a couple of seconds of silence he sat on the couch and I laughed a small laugh.

"When you mean home do you mean the underworld?" I smiled slightly.

"Tch so you remember?"

"Nope, but you seem to know a lot about me.... so who are you really?"

He chuckled, "Heh, well I'm really not your brother, but you're very important to the underworld."


I rested up from my bed and started wondering about the underworld once more — the heat and the screams all filled with agony. That's what it was like down there so knowing that I may possibly come back caused me an immense amount of fear. Suddenly, as I closed my eyes I had this flash of a silhouette that was chained before me and another of me breathing heavily as I went down the stairs. Right then and there I quickly opened my eyes making the IV drag along with me as I pulled myself away.

I winced, "Why do you need me?"

"If you truly want to know you have to come with me," he replied extending his hand out.

"You'll have to wait," I groaned. "They still need to run something by me."

His hand fell down and he got up walking away as I went back to my bed. It stung when I pulled hard, but I know that I might have to end up escaping. So when he was gone I ripped the IV off of me and went for the bathroom. There I saw my clothes on the counter and I quickly changed. Though before I left I saw myself in the mirror and my eye had a faint glowing amber color. That's when it hit me. Another memory struck as I stared myself down. One that engraved me. I saw the light and it showed me myself one that was too far gone. My eyes trickled with tears as I let go of my mother's hand. This memory was long forgotten because her eyes glazed over and my hand felt numb. I lost grip of who I was and fell into a dark path but the thing is that I was already on it and lost sight of everything that I tried to hold onto a glimmer of light before I finally fell.

I murmured, "This can't be..."

Facing reality one single tear fell from my amber eye. This darkness was already in me and I ended up learning to embrace it. Soon after, that single memory created a domino effect. It hit like a whiplash and fell once more except this time I wasn't sure if I was going to wake up.

The end is near... Melinoe. A voice echoed in my head.

I was in and out of conscious when I saw that light again the ones that you see on the ceiling in a hospital. These lights were useless to me seeing as I was suffocating in my own memories. I could tell that I wasn't doing so well because my eyes were everywhere. I was looking around me noticing the doctor and nurses taking me away in the same bed. It was then that I tried lifting my arms but couldn't instead I gripped onto the mattress itself. To me nothing made sense anymore.

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