¥ • Prologue

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    A loud blow from a steamboat's whistle startled its passengers awake in the middle of the night. Three certain voyagers were awakened as well, and rather unhappily. Opening her sleepy blue eyes, Medine Pevsner groggily sat up in her cot and peered through the window across from her. The other two travelers in their own cots on each side of her refrain to do anything that required strength.

"We can't be here yet..." the young woman grumbled as she rubbed her eyes. She saw city lights in the distance clashing against the darkness of the night, but she refused to believe it. As much as she and her brothers dreamed to live in such a big city as New Ninjago City... she didn't expect their arrival to be so inopportune.

Harper Pevsner, his caramel hair softly glinting against the moonlight, turns on his side so his back faced his sister. "I'm getting my sleep before I leave," he grumbles.

With a short glare, Medine rolls her eyes and plops back into her bed. "Well, duh. I'm not leaving, either." The three of them (although the third sibling may have never awoken in the first place) try to fall back to sleep.

Medine's now restless eyes studied the ceiling. There wasn't much to look at; it was a boring old ceiling. Nothing else happened on the boat after that, but the vessel did stop moving. She mentally thanked the captain for his clemency in not waking his passengers further. The rest of the silent, unrestful time (albeit still relaxing) Medine spent with her thoughts. She admired the water, ever since she was little. She and her brothers were born and raised on an island, later named Chen's Island just a few years after their birth. Upon meeting the island's namesake himself and his trusty number two, the family very soon grew accustomed to them and became close. Now, the triplets have been sent off after coming of age just a month prior to live lives of their own in New Ninjago City, the city of opportunity.

"I'm so proud of you guys," Mrs. Pevsner uttered with a weak smile. The only downside of having to leave was leaving the triplets' mother behind. After many times of trying to convince her to tag along with them, Mrs. Pevsner would always refuse and say that it wasn't her place. When their mother eloped with their father, the couple discovered the island and lived there ever since. Medine came to the assumption that maybe her mother didn't want to leave the memory of her father behind after... his disappearance that could only be concluded as a death.

Master Chen and Clouse saw the children off, as well. However, there was something in their eyes that made Medine draw a double-take, like there was something her teacher wanted to tell her before his pupils left, but decided against it. They were so good to her and her family. Cheerful smiles were plastered on both of their faces.

"Sweet Melody," Clouse's voice stops the woman with a soft hand on her shoulder, "Don't forget what I taught you and your brothers. It could really help you when you least expect it, you know." Medine nodded and glanced at the unlikely weapon kept in her pocket. "I will."

After a tearful goodbye and a long embrace from each child to their mother, they boarded the boat and waved farewell until the island could no longer be seen by the naked eye.

The water rocked the boat gently, and before she knew it, Medine didn't notice herself finally falling asleep to the lull of the waves. What will the next day bring? It would surely be life-changing.

The steamboat's horn again reached the three travelers, waking the three with a start. Again, Medine sat up but was now immediately met with the early morning sunlight peeking through her window. Shielding her eyes, the woman groggily stepped out of her bed and started preparing for the day. Just thinking about where they finally were after dreaming for so long made her heart do a flip. The excitement was surreal. She dressed and brushed her hair and teeth. The sooner she was ready, the sooner she could go out and explore the world!

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