3 • A Little Improv

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Let me introduce AML's theme song because it sounds SO MUCH LIKE THE PLOT AAAA enjoy


Having recently prevented a second Serpentine War, it was greatly owed to the ninja for some time off. Jay, as usual, is playing video games along with Cole. Not really paying attention, Kai sat next to Cole lost on his phone, putting his weight on the arm of the couch. From across the room, Zane is watching his friends play while Lloyd is reading a Starfarer comic. None of the boys knew where Wu, Misako, or Nya were. However, they weren't bothered about it; the three had announced that they were running a few errands and would return shortly.

Kai sighs for the umpteenth time.

"Really, Kai? She's not gonna answer," Cole takes a glance at Kai before returning his focus to the video game. Jay snorts, eyes glued to the screen. "Pfft— you're still calling her?"

Rolling his eyes, Kai leans back on the couch, "Wha-at? Is it wrong that I would like to get to know her better?"

"Well when you've called the Chen's Noodlehouse commercial phone number seventeen different times, I would think that would get a little bit excessive," Lloyd looks up and raises an eyebrow in Kai's direction.

"Actually, Kai has called Chen's Noodlehouse sixty-nine times," Zane said.

"Ope-" Jay snorted and whipped a hand over his mouth, cutting himself off from any potential backlash from his hotheaded friend if he spoke any further about his situation.

"Hey-" Kai turned in his seat and pointed a blaming finger at Zane and narrowing his eyes, pausing shortly to make an excuse, "That is a complete coincidence."

    The next thing the ninja knew, Kai's phone started ringing

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The next thing the ninja knew, Kai's phone started ringing. The master of fire flinched and the phone flew out of his hands and clattered onto the floor. Seizing his golden opportunity, Jay threw his controller up and leaped over the couch to swipe it up.  He answered immediately and held the phone to his ear, trying to fight off a beet-red Kai with his free hand.

"Why hello there, Skylar," Jay fought back a laugh as he spoke. "Excuse Kai, he's just lonely."

Turning around on the couch too, Cole sighs, throwing a hand up as he watched his ridiculous friend. "Jay, really?!"

Kai grabbed Jay's forearm and tried to pull his other hand closer to grab his phone back, but Jay wriggled out his grasp and changed his hands behind his back. "Jay quit it!" Kai seethed under his breath, trying to make sure he wasn't accidentally getting picked up on the phone.

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