Chapter 7

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Episode 3 - "Chapter 3: The Sin"

Google Docs Word Count Because I Don't Trust Wattpad: 8759

A/N: ... I've got no excuse. 

Warnings: Lotta blood, lotta fluff, whole lotta angst, blah blah blah I'll shut up now.

"Are you sure you don't want me to clean your armour?" You yawned, making the Mandalorian look back at you. The rings were starting to form under your eyes again from worry over the Child; it's been 3 days, and it still hasn't woken up.

He nodded his head and turned back to look out the windshield, making sure the Razor Crest wouldn't hit anything. "I'm sure," he replied, keeping his focus straight ahead. "Besides. I'll probably end up getting new armour when we deliver the kid anyways."

"Okay." The obvious pain in your voice was the exact reason the bounty hunter couldn't turn around to face you - he knew you were going to miss the baby. He probably shouldn't have let you grow an attachment to it. Or, better yet, himself.

He wasn't quite sure if he liked the kid simply because it brought you joy (because whatever brought you joy made him want to keep it in your life for as long as possible), or if it was something deeper. He certainly felt that in the time he was around the kid, (granted, it was a short period of time), he feels that maybe they... bonded?

The Child was not scared of him, that much was true. As a matter of fact, when you weren't around, the baby seemed to gravitate towards him. Now, the Mandalorian would never actually admit that he kind of liked it.

Besides you, nothing has ever really needed him before. And this creature certainly was helpless, minus that one time, making him feel a bit happier knowing that someone actually liked him, and wanted to be around him. Other than you, of course.

"You should try and get some sleep," the bounty hunter suggested, desperately trying to change the subject. Though he couldn't see it, he knew you were debating whether or not to listen to his words.

"You haven't slept in a while, I know you're exhausted. I'll wake you if anything happens," he assured you, trying to get across that this was something you really needed.

"Do you want me to take the baby?" You offered, making the bounty hunter shake his head almost instantly.

"No. You need to stop worrying, and I have a feeling laying down with it is not gonna help." He gathered the courage to face you, slowly swivelling around in his chair. "We'll be fine. Go."

The look that you gave him with the little pout would have been very cute if the circumstance wasn't so difficult. He watched as you turned around, gave the baby one last glance, then walked to your room while rubbing your eyes because you thought the Mandalorian couldn't see you.

Hint hint: he could.

With a quick look in the sleeping baby's direction for good measure, the bounty hunter spun in his chair to look back outside and fly the ship. After about half an hour of cruising along a beeping came from the control panel, indicating he was receiving a hologram.

He flicked the switch and watched as the message appeared, showing Greef Karga. The tiny blue version of his guild leader then began speaking.

"Mando!" He exclaimed. "I've received your transmission. Wonderful news. Upon your return, deliver the quarry directly to the client." Karga paused for a moment to chuckle, then continued. "I have no idea if he wants to eat it or hang it on his wall, but he's very antsy. Nevertheless, safe passage! You know where to find me."

The hologram message faded out, leaving the Mandalorian to process what was just said to him. The gears turning in his head came to a halt when he looked to his right and saw the baby playing with a loose metal ball handles from one of the levers on the ship.

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