Neko!Levi x Modern!Reader

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Neko!Levi because its adorable. I bring him to you. Enjoy (≧∇≦)/ O(≧∇≦)O


________ POV

I was walking home from a long day at work, I was tired and ready to just get home and fall asleep. However, because of my luck, it was raining. Yay~ (note the sarcasm) I had my umbrella and my coat on. I left the TV on last night and the weather channel was on so when I woke I was already aware that it was going to rain. I turned the corner one block away from my home.

I picked up my pace because I've watched way too many TV shows and movies about killers and other things like that so I'm a bit paranoid. This street totally looked like a scenery from a horror movie so I started to get worried . I was getting close to the alley when I heard a strange noise.

I paused , "Now I know I'm in a movie, there's always that one lady who hears a strange noise and decides to check it out." I am not one of those lady's , I preferred to live. I decided to keep walking until I heard another noise but this one wasn't that strange. I stopped and walked back to the alley, I found a box. I heard the noise again but this time I heard it more clearly.

" meow"

What I was hearing was a kitten meowing. I quickly open the box to reveal a little black kitten with amazing gray eyes and a cravat around its neck. "You are so cute!!" I squealed. I picked up the kitten and holding it against my chest for warmth, surprisingly the kitten got comfortable and fell asleep in my arms. I couldn't help but smile.

I got up and continued to walk home but this time with the kitten in my arms. When I arrived at my front door I looked down at my arms where the kitten was sleeping and noticed he looked so tired and hungry. So I went into the kitchen and got some milk from the refrigerator. I looked for the smallest bowl I owned and placed it on the ground next to my new little kitten. I poured the milk in the bowl and before I knew it the kitten woke up and started licking the milk untill the bowl was completely clean. He looked up at me, "That was good, I WANT MORE!!!" he begged and used his paw to to slowly nudge the bowl closer to me.

My eyes widened. "D-did you just t-talk" I stuttered backing away pointing a finger at the kitten. "A-animals aren't supposed t-to talk" I gulped pressed against the wall. He just looked at me with an annoyed expression. "I-i must be going crazy i-it was probably my imagination." I mumbled "God damm are you just gonna sit there or you gonna feed me bitch" I looked up and stared at the kitten. "Yup I'm going insane" I said throwing my arms in the air,smiling and then everything went black.

I felt something soft pat my face. It kept putting me over and over leaving little scratches every time it came into contact with my skin. My hearing was coming back and I heard this muffled voice. I could barley make out what it was saying but it sounded something like " Get up, get up you bitch, feed me, come on I'm fucking hungry, get up already, get up and feed me you good for nothing bitch." All of a sudden I felt something rough and wet glide against my cheek. I shot up opening my eyes while hearing a soft thud and yelp. "Watch it bitch you dropped me!" The voice wined. I looked at the kitten "Oh my god I'm sorry!" I yelped scooping the kitten from the ground and holding it close to my chest. It started to purr and mumbled "It's fine....." He trailed off. I placed him on the ground "H-how can you talk?" I asked. "I'm fucking starving I'll tell you later just feed me..... please" he mumbled averting his gaze to the bowl.

I giggled and poured more milk into the bowl. While he was drinking his milk I looked up at the clock , "Oh my god , is it really 11:00 already!!" I quickly look back down at the kitten , "What do I call you?" I ask in a rather calm voice. "Levi." "Well I'm ______" I informed him.

He nodded and I started to head to my room. "Hey where are you going! And why am I not going with you?" Levi asked in a rather worried little tone. (little,get it, hehe ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ) "Oh I'm going to my room... Want to come with-" before I could finish my sentence Levi cut me off by saying "Yes, and carry me there" he said this in a very demanding voice, however I just smiled and walked towards him picking him up and cradling him in my arms. I walked towards my room and when I got to the door I notice Levi looking very curious . I open the door and placed him on my bed, " I'm gonna go change I'll be right back, explore a bit if you want " I looked at him and smiled heading into the restroom.

I quickly changed and brushed my hair and teeth. I opened my bathroom door and stopped , I looked down noticing that levi was sitting there waiting for me to exit the restroom, I smiled and picked him up, " what's up with you, why did you wait out the door?" I asked with a smile on my face. Levi didn't say anything and I just let out a sigh, "Okay well I think we should go to sleep " I walked to the bed and placed Levi on my pillow as I fixed my blankets and climbed in bed. Levi came to me and lied down next to me and snuggled close.

In the morning I woke up to Levi sleeping on my chest," Levi " I whisper so I don't scare him. " Levi?" I say in a normal tone. Levi looked up at me and put his paws on my lips ,"Shut up I'm trying to sleep here!!" I let out a giggle and picked him up, " you can't eat if your sleeping now can you?" I ask in the nicest way I can. It was Saturday so I didn't have to go to work, I was decided to spend the day with Levi. "Here I'll put you down so you cab explore the house, I'll call you when I find something to you to eat, okay" I put Levi down and he waddled over to my foot and sat down, " I don't want to explore I want food!!" I looked at him and said, "well food isn't done yet, so go explore. " I said wondering why he doesn't want to leave my side.

I headed to the kitchen. I looked in the cabinets and found a can of tuna. " huh maybe he'll like this" I said out loud thinking no one would be able to hear me, well I was wrong because as I stared at the can I heared levi say," like what? I'm down hear starving and your asking me if I'm going to eat the food, is it just me or are you stupid?" I looked down at him,"Well fine but don't blame me if you don't like it!!" you said in a rather slightly irritated voice.

I opened the tuna and placed it on the floor. We walked over to it and examined it. He took a sniff and shrugged. I had to admit this looked so damm kawaii. He took a little lick and smiled. He continued to eat it until there wasn't a single speck of tuna left.

"It was good" he mumbled letting out a little burp. "D'awwww" I squealed as I picked him up and squeezed him. "Let me go bitch" he hissed shaking his paws around. "No way your too cute" I squealed. He just gave in and began to purr. "I love you Levi" I cooed. "I-i love you too _____ don't ever leave me" he mumbled looking into my (e/c) orbs. "I will never you levi" I said hugging him and smiled. "Now how about we go shopping for some supplies?" I asked smiling. He nodded and purred. With that I headed outside with my new kitten.

~The End~


Well we hoped you enjoyed!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Also do you guys think there should be a part 2?

Ninjas out! Peace! ✌

~The writing ninjas

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