Jealous!Levi x reader

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Hehe by "jelly" I mean jealous, so yeah. This one shot will be about Levi and his jealous self ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ.


______ POV

I fluttered my eyes open. Slowly getting up and stretching. My eyes scanned the room adjusting to the light but something was off. It was quiet. Usually Eren, my best friend, is trying to break down my door to wake me up and get some breakfast before training. But everything was quiet, a little too quiet. I took a glance at the window and noticed it was still dark. Then looked at the clock and it said it was 4:00 in the morning.

He usually wakes me up at 5:30 so I still have time to sleep. But then again I could stay awake and scare him when he comes in.

The second option it is!!! I sat on my bed thinking of a way to scare him....... After about an hour of not focusing and doing random shit around my room I finally decided to ACTUALLY think about what to do.

I decided to keep the door unlocked and when he came in I would tackle him..... That's the best I could come up with this early in the morning. But give me a break im still sleepy! Anywhore it was 5:30 so I was expecting him any minute now. I heard footsteps so I quickly hid next to the door and got in position. I heard a knock followed by the door opening.

~Eren's POV~

Today I was woken up by captain Levi. Because of all the noise I make trying to wake up ___, he was walking me to ___'s room to apologize for all the noise. Which I found so unfair but hey, at least I still get to wake her lazy ass up. I laugh at my little comment. "Oi! what's so funny jaeger?!" Levi asks in an annoyed tone. "Oh I'm sorry, I just remembered something funny." I said still smiling like an idiot at my comment. "tch" Levi said in an even more annoyed tone.

We arrived at ___'s door, I knocked and opened the door to my surprise it was unlocked. I walked in and automatically felt a force push me down. I looked up to see ___ smiling down at me. I started laughing and she did the same. "That's what you get douche bag!!!" She said while being pulled off me. "What the hell is this! A playground? Get ahold of yourself cadets!!" Levi yelled in a really angry tone.

~ _____ POV ~

I couldn't hold it in anymore I burst out laughing at how angry Levi was!! They both looked at me with puzzled expressions which made me laugh even harder. "Why so mad corporal?" I sang with a smile. A tint of pink dusted his cheeks momentarily as he shifted his gaze then glared at Eren and I.

"I just don't want my cadets horsing around" he spat. "Ya that's Jean's job!" Eren and I shouted in unison then looked at each other and laughed.

Levi's eyebrow twitched and he pointed to hall "Just go eat breakfast. Training starts soon!" He demanded. I spared Eren a glance and we quickly scurried down the hall as Levi stomped away huffing.

Eren and I got our breakfast and sat down with our group. I sat next to Eren who was across from Mikasa while I sat across from Armin. "Yeash Levi has a temper huh?" I mumbled biting my bread before Sasha comes and gets it. "Ya" Eren responded and took a bite out of his bread then ate his soup. "What are you guys talking about?" Armin asked. Eren told them what occurred this morning as I tried to fight off Sasha.

"Sounds like shorty's jealous" Mikasa mumbles as she eats her food. I raised a brow at her as I dipped my bread in my soup and began to swallow. "Of what?" Eren asked. "How close Eren and _____ are he clearly likes her" she states casually. With that I began to choke on my bread. "_____!" Eren exclaims as he wraps his arms around me and does the Heimlich remover. Armin screamed for help. Mikasa stood up and rushed to us. Sasha went after the food I had left unattended. Jean checked out Mikasa. Connie scolded Sasha. Everyone else freaked out and started screaming.

Suddenly the door was busted open and a loud deep voice rang in the room "What's with the noise brats!" Everyone stopped and I finally spat out the bread that was lodged in my throat. My face was red and Eren still had his arms around my waist while I steadied my breathing.

"__-_____ was choking" Eren stuttered. "On what?" Levi asked. But before Eren could answer Sasha and Connie shouted "ON EREN'S D!"

I face palmed as my cheeks grew hot. Eren quickly released me and looked away. Suddenly I was lifted from Eren's lap and dragged out of the room.

I looked up and gasped. Levi was holding my wrist dragging me out of the room with an angry expression plastered on his face.

We finally arrived at levi's office. He kicked open the door and pushed me inside. Then he slammed the door behind him and pinned me against the wall.

"Listen I don't care how much you like Jaeger but I always wanted to do this" He whispered in my ear huskily. His hot breath sending shivers down my spine. He suddenly crashed his lips opun my mine. I was shocked at first but quickly melted into the kiss. My legs felt like jello and Levi picked my legs up and wrapped them around his waist. I placed my arms around his neck and pressed our bodies closer. He snaked his arms around my waist and tugged at my bottom lip. I pulled apart and smirked. "I don't like Eren ......I love you. You weren't jealous were you?" I mocked.

He smiled and crashed his lips on mine again. Pulling me into another rough passionate kiss. His hands skillfully exploring my body. He picked me up and took me to his room. "I love you too ____, of coarse I was jealous"

Let's just say I got punished for causing a commotion in breakfast today. (⌒.−)=★


Gomen for not updatimg sooner. And I know crappy right? We sorta rushed through this. We started writing this but then we were like "I'll finish it later" and we just needed to post something. I promise the next will be a lot better. Also we have other things to work on and. But don't forget winter break is coming soon so we will be able to update sooner. ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ

Ninjas out! Peace ✌

~The writing ninjas

Levi x reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now