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I pulled my shirt over my head and glanced at myself in the mirror on my desk. Eh, it would work. I exited my room and grabbed my keys on the way outside. I was headed to a local pub, to watch my friend's brother play with his band. I've heard my friend, well, more like acquaintance, Bella talk about her brother before and I'd seen pictures of him (he's smoking hot) but I'd never actually met him.

As I drove to the venue I wondered what kind of music this guy, Dominic, played. I didn't have much time to ponder as I was at the pub in about 10 minutes. I parked out back and made my way inside to see Dominic on the small stage in the corner setting up. He was dressed in all black with spiky bracelets on both his wrists. I hope his music reflected his fashion taste because if it did we'd be in good shape.

I wandered over to him and said, "Hey, Dominic right?"

"Oh, it's Dom," he answered, looking up from fiddling with the microphone stand and giving me a lopsided smile. His accent was among the thickest I'd heard despite living in the UK.

"Cool, nice to meet you Dom," I said, awkwardly extending my hand to shake his, "I know your sister Bella."

His eyes lit up and he exclaimed, "Oh! You must be Ven!" He shook my hand vigorously and I thought I might get whiplash as the shaking extended to my entire torso.

"Haha, yep that's me," I replied, "Bella has talked about me before?" I wondered what she had said about me. We weren't very good friends so I hope it was nothing negative.

"Yeah! She showed me a selfie you guys took once and I asked, 'Who's that cute guy?'" He said, winking at me.

Shocked, I stuttered dumbly, my brain flailing for a response, when both our heads turned at a sharp whistle from the bar. A man was giving Dom a thumbs up and he returned it before turning back to me.

"Sorry love, but I'm on. Talk to you after the show?" His grin was killing me, he was so cute. I just said yeah and made my way to a seat in the front.

Luckily for me, his music style was exactly what I was into. He started with a soft song before launching into some more hardcore ones and finishing with a nice alternative number. I was planning on buying a record if he had any available, his stuff was that good.

The other pub patrons had mixed responses from what I could tell. After he finished his set a lot of the younger crowd went up and gave him tips but the older generation didn't seem impressed and immediately started gossiping and staring at him as soon as he stepped off stage.

I was fretting over the best way to approach him, worried over seeming too casual when he seemed into me and I was definitely into him just based on his looks considering I knew nothing about him as a person, when out of nowhere he plopped down at my table with a water bottle in hand.

"So," he started, slightly out of breath, "What'd ya think?"

"Dude, your music is sick! I was wondering if you had CDs for sale or something?" I answered honestly.

"Oh yeah, they're in my truck out back, I'll grab you one in a bit. Don't worry about paying for it."

We continued talking after I insisted on paying for the CD and after being convinced to order a few shots I wasn't quite so anxious about talking to this cute guy anymore, though the underlying worry still nagged at me.

After a while, Bella approached us and said "Dom, we need to go. I have somewhere to be in the morning."

Shit. I forgot I drove myself here and I didn't feel comfortable driving home after drinking. Dom must've seen me staring at the shot glass in my hand so he said, "Ven, you can stay over at ours tonight, I don't want you driving home."

I was conflicted at first, not wanting to be a burden and reasoning that I could just walk home, but Dom insisted so I relented, what's the harm in staying the night at a cute guy's house? Bella was my friend anyways so it wouldn't be that weird. I went out back with them to pile in Dom's truck with Bella driving.

braindead! a YUNGBLUD fanfic Where stories live. Discover now