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more mild internalized transphobia in this chapter, though i think the last chapter was worse. stay safe and don't read if you're sensitive to that sort of thing!

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed and sounds from the kitchen of someone cooking. I hoped it wasn't Dom and Bella's parents, I didn't want to have to have to explain why I was in their house, having just slept in their son's bed with him. I peeked out the window beside the bed and saw only Dom's beat up old truck in the driveway and heaved a sigh of relief.

I got up and stretched, looking around Dom's messy room. There was a guitar and a keyboard covered in laundry that looked like it had been haphazardly tossed in the direction of the laundry bin in the closet. I rolled
my eyes and poked my head out the door to see the bathroom right across the hall. I went in and used the restroom and washed my face before heading towards the smell of food cooking.

Dom was standing over the stove, flipping a pancake around in a skillet. He noticed me and his face lit up in a smile.

"Morning, Ven! Go ahead and have a seat at the table, breakfast is almost done!" He chirped as he flopped the pancake onto a plate stacked high with more pancakes.

I sat down and watched him as he poured the last of the pancake batter into the skillet and immediately started poking at it with the spatula. I did my best to contain my laughter. Was he always this impatient?

The pancake finished cooking and he brought the plate over to the table along with a container of syrup and two empty plates.

Dom took it upon himself to load five pancakes onto each of our plates and started digging in. I didn't think he needed the extra sugar this early in the morning but whatever. We chatted while stuffing our faces with pancakes and he took the empty plates to the sink.

"Hey Ven, are you busy today?" He asked as he rinsed the plates.

"Nope, why?" I replied.

"It's nice out for once so I was wondering if you wanted to go to the water park with me?" He said.

Immediately my mind started racing. If we went to the water park I'd have to take my shirt off, he'd see my top surgery scars. It would be weird if I swam with a shirt on, there's no way I could avoid it. He'd either ask about them or know what they were and know I'd been keeping this from him. I started panicking internally.

"Hey, you alright?" Dom asked, noticing I hadn't responded to him. He walked over to me and put his hand on my cheek. "You look really pale," he said, concern obvious in his voice.

"Uh, I'm fine!" I lied, "I just don't have any trunks with me so I guess we can't go." Bingo, I had gotten out of it. But I still wanted to spend time with him, what if he thought I wasn't interested?

"Oh, I have some that I think would fit you! Or you could always run by yours and get some since I still have to take you back to your car."

Shit. I was trapped. I just had to hope he wouldn't react poorly to seeing my scars, I guess. That seemed like all I could do besides flat out turn him down. "Okay, we can go get my car and I'll meet you at the water park."

After Dom was done cleaning we went back to the pub to get my car and and gave me the address and time to be at the water park. I drove home on the brink of a panic attack and got ready.

I arrived at the water park and sat in my car. Did I really want to do this? Expose my secret to him and risk ruining my chance at being with him? I steeled myself, considering that I had no other choice because I couldn't just bail at the last second.

I walked up to the entrance and spotted Dom waving two tickets at me. He was looking superb, as always, and I had to take a deep breath to stop myself from blushing at seeing him shirtless. I couldn't figure out if i wanted to cross my arms in front of my chest but that might look weird or come off as standoffish so I lamely walked up to him, preparing for the worst.

"Hey Ven! Got the tickets so we're good to go!" He grinned and shoved a ticket at me.

"Dom, you didn't have to pay for mine!" I chastised, lightly shoving his shoulder. He just laughed and grabbed my hand, dragging me towards the front gate. I couldn't help the blush that rose to my cheeks at the feeling of his hand covering mine.

We put our stuff into a locker and Dom was off, wanting to do everything at once. We had a great time and I didn't know whether to be relieved or worried that he hadn't mentioned my top surgery scars yet. Maybe he didn't notice? There's no way, they're pretty obvious. Maybe he didn't care? I guess I had never considered that. I was always one to jump to the worst-case scenario but it could be possible that he knew and didn't care.

I had a great time if only because I got to ogle Dom wet and shirtless. No, I really did have fun. Dom was all over the place and I was having a hard time keeping up with his energy but it was refreshing, hanging out with someone so hyper kind of kept me going when usually I would've lost steam and left by then.

After several hours of activities, he finally seemed to be getting tired and we decided to leave. He walked me to my car and I noticed that he seemed nervous about something. Immediately my anxiety skyrocketed.

"So uh, that was really fun, huh?" He said as I leaned against my car.

"Yeah! I had a great time, thanks for inviting me."

His eyes darted around me and I flinched internally, what was about to happen?

"I'd love to hang out again soon," He said, looking flustered. My heart did a flip.

"Yeah, for sure," I said, smiling despite the storm in my head.

He quickly leaned in and kissed my cheek before running off towards his truck, shouting that he'd text me over his shoulder. I got in my car and had to collect myself before driving home. I couldn't believe it! He still wanted to be with me! Though there was still the possibility that he didn't know what the scars were and was too polite to ask. Whatever, I scolded myself, just let yourself have this one thing, just for now.

I drove home and collapsed in my bed, exhausted from the day of activities and my own overactive brain.

braindead! a YUNGBLUD fanfic Where stories live. Discover now