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tw for homophobic violence and one homophobic slur in this chapter, it's brief but please be careful! i'll have it marked by asterisks before and after if you want to skip that part

A few days had passed, I was texting Dom every day and getting to know him, and he seemed like a really sweet guy. We were supposed to hang out again today and I was getting ready. I decided to wear a pride shirt to gauge Dom's reaction before I came out to him, because I felt like that was an important thing to disclose before actually starting a real relationship with him.

I drove to the spot where we were supposed to meet, an ice cream shop downtown. Dom was standing there waiting on me and his face lit up as soon as he saw me approaching.

We got our ice cream and when we finished we decided to have a walk through the park across the street. It was a nice day outside, cloudy but not too cold and not raining. We were chatting while we walked and Dom slipped my hand into his, glancing at my face to make sure it was ok. I just smiled shyly and looked down.

We walked along the path in the park, still chatting, passing by some other people. I didn't notice the man swiftly approaching us at first because I was so enthralled with Dom, and suddenly I was falling flat on my face, I barely had time to throw my hands up to catch myself on the pavement of the sidewalk.

***tw start

"What the fuck, mate?" Dom yelled. I looked up and there was an older man scowling at us.

"Fucking disgusting fags, you're not welcome here!" The man shouted, assuming a threatening posture. I scrambled to get up as Dom rushed him and shoved him hard enough to make him stumble backwards.

"Fuck off, you twat!" He screamed as he went back towards the stranger with his fists up.

"Dom, stop!" I pleaded, tears falling from my eyes. "Let's just go," I said as I dragged him away from the man who was still shouting obscenities at us.

"What the fuck was that? Who does that guy think he is?" Dom fumed, looking over his shoulder, "I oughta teach him a fucking lesson!"

"Dom, shh, hurry, let's just get out of here," I whispered, quickening my pace to get us away from the guy.

***tw end

We got back to the ice cream shop and I was still very shaken up, I just wanted to go home and cry. I knew this was a bad idea, being with Dom. If it wasn't me fucking things up it was other people.

Dom grabbed my hands in his passionately and I flinched, I hadn't noticed I scraped my hands when the stranger tripped me and they were bleeding. Dom started and looked down at my hands.

"Oh shit, Ven, your hands," He said, tenderly holding my hands palm up so he could get a better look.

"It's fine, it's just scrapes, can we leave?" I asked, sniffling.

"Of course, love. Let's take my truck and we can come get your car later," He replied, putting an arm around my shoulders and ushering me to his truck.

The ride to my apartment was quiet, Dom still reeling with anger and me trying to stop crying. We arrived and went inside quickly. Dom asked if I had a first aid kit anywhere and I pointed him to the bathroom cabinet. He came and sat with me on the couch to tend to my hands.

"Dom, I'm sorry," I said, not able to hold back my crying any longer.

"For what, love? You have nothing to be sorry for!"

"I dunno, I just feel bad," I said through hiccuping sobs.

Dom gently wrapped his arms around me and held me for a long time, until my crying turned into the occasional sniffle. He took my face in his hands and looked directly into my eyes. He was so pretty, he deserved better than me.

"Ven, don't ever be sorry for being who you are. Don't give anyone that power over you. You be you as loudly and proudly as you can, there's nothing to be ashamed of," He said softly, tears welling up in his eyes as well.

I started sobbing again and pressed my face into his neck. Would he still be saying that if he knew the truth about me? I had to tell him, I didn't think he'd react badly after that speech but I felt horrible keeping it from him.

"Dom, I'm trans," I muttered into his neck after I had stopped crying so hard, bracing myself for him to push me away. Instead he just held me tighter.

"Thank you for telling me, I'm so proud of you."

My crying came back with renewed vigor and he just sat there and held me, rubbing my back until I pulled away from him.

"So, it doesn't change how you feel about me?" I asked.

"Of course it doesn't, Ven! I like you for you, I could care less what parts you have," He assured me, lifting a hand to stroke the side of my face. I almost started crying again but I managed to just sniffle again. He grabbed me and hugged me again, kissing my forehead.

"I'm exhausted," I finally said after calming down a bit more, "Want to watch a movie with me?"

We went into my bedroom and picked out a Disney movie before getting comfy under the blanket all cuddled up to one another, his arm wrapped protectively around me. I fell asleep before the first song in the movie finished.

braindead! a YUNGBLUD fanfic Where stories live. Discover now