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heejin started walking in the opposite direction from where jin ran off too. namjoon figured that they were going to the dorm part of the entertainment industry.

the two walked through the underground car park and after waking for a while, they arrived at a different elevator, which was hidden in the back corner.

"this is the living quarters lift," heejin explained, scanning a lanyard that looked just like the one at JPBA, pressing the elevator button, "you should use this if your going to the dorm or private practice rooms, though your not an idol so you wouldn't need to use them,"

"private practice rooms?" namjoon asked, he'd never heard of private practice rooms before.

heejin entered the elevator, the taller male following behind her, "yeah, some of the idols request them when they are preparing for a comeback,"

namjoon nodded in acknowledgment, heejin continued as she pressed the button that had '4' on, "the other lift leads to the main part of the building, where all of the practice rooms, recording rooms, production rooms ect are,"

"so it's basically like a normal entertainment building?" namjoon asked.

"pretty much," heejin shrugged, walking out of the elevator once it had reached the fourth floor.

she walked down a corridor quickly, namjoon following after her. she scanned her lanyard again when a door blocked their path, this must of been a security measure. there were probably famous people behind this door.

"this is the dorms," she said. namjoon looked at the walls. there were people's faces on, mostly likely idols. they went through the door security and down the corridor. the two turned into another corridor that said the letters 'BG' in fancy green writing, this mostly likely meant bodyguard.

heejin turned around while letting go of namjoon's suitcases, she pushing them over to him, "this is your dorm hall," she motioned to the hall. namjoon noticed that there were only six doors in the corridor, "this is your dorm room which you share with others,"

"thank you for your help," namjoo bowed respectfully, "will i be having a room mate?"

heejin bowed back, "it's no problem. ah, yes! your roommate will be out right now since he's got jobs to do but when he comes back i'll let him know your here,"

namjoon bowed once more, this time bowing to say goodbye instead of thanking.

he tried to open the door to his shared room when heejin gave him a key card, "you'll need a key card to open the door,"

"ah!" namjoon blushed in embarrassment, mentally scolding himself, "right,"

"once your settled down go and see mr. kim in his office," secretary heejin said was she walked away.

"thank you for the help!" namjoon shouted bowing once again, heejin turned around and bowed back before jogging down the corridor in a hurry.

now that the boy was all by himself, he took the key card out of his pocket and unlocked the door to his new dorm.

he wondered what it was going to look like. would it be bigger than what what his old dorm with hoseok was? would his roommate be nice? would they be mean? many questions like this ran though namjoon's head as he opened the door.

he had millions of questions. most that should be answered when his roommate walked in the room.

namjoon ruffled his faded pink hair as looked around the room. it was much, much, much bigger than he had expected. maybe this was because the company was more successful than the one he worked at before, but namjoon wasn't sure.

the dorm was at least two times bigger than hoseok and namjoon's old one. namjoon thought about how big the idol groups dorms would be if they'd shared one together.

he scanned the room, and upon seeing a empty bed, namjoon walked over to it and placed his suitcases on the bed.

the bean stalk opened the suitcases and took all of his clothes out. placing them into the closet that was next to his bed. namjoon nearly fell over when he turned to put the clothes in the closet against the wall.

once namjoon had put all his clothes away, he sat down on the bed and looked around room to see a bed and three other doors going off to different places.

the only one in the room got up and went to the first door which was next to his own bed, just next to the closet and opened the door. in this door was a bathroom, made for two people since there were two of everything.

he closed that door and made his way over to the other side of the room, his half was exactly the same as the person who he was rooming with. his bed just off the wall. the closet in between the wall and the bed itself, with the door right next to it.

namjoon opened up the door to see a hallway. 'this was unexpected' he thought. there were over three doors going off to the right side of the hallway but none on the left.

at the very bottom of the hall way there was a room at the end. just like his and his unnamed roommates room but on the other side of the hall.

as he got closer he saw the name 'chill out room' on the door. namjoon walked over to the door, thinking 'people might be in there,'

the tall man walked over, putting his hand on the door knob. just as he was about to turn the handle and enter the room, the door swung open and he was met by someone taller than him, only by a few centimetres though.

"sorry man," the man apologised, bowing, "are you the new guy?"

"yeah, i'm namjoon!" said man gulped loudly, "kim namjoon,"

"don't be nervous!" the man chuckled patting the smaller boy on the back, "i'm minho, choi minho. nice to meet you. you can call me hyung since your obviously younger than me,"

"okay hyung!" namjoon smiled at the elder, bowing his head quickly.

"do you want to meet everyone?" minho asked motioning for him to come into the room.

namjoon shrugged, "sure hyung,"

"there's one person who isn't here yet since they've gone out but once their back we can introduce you to them!" he explained guiding namjoon into the room.

"guys!" minho's voice echoed though the huge room, "this is namjoon, he's the new bodyguard,"

minho turned back to namjoon after speaking. he pointed at the people in the rooms while telling namjoon their names, "this is kang daniel he's been here for two years,"

the person who was called daniel smiled at him, he seemed friendly, "this is kunpimook bhuwakul bambam but we just call him bambam because thai names are hard to pronounce,"

bambam rolled his eyes at the last part, "they aren't that hard, your just bad at pronouncing them,"

minho discarded him, "bambam been here for five months now. this is kim rowoon he's knew here,"

namjoon gaped at rowoon's height. rowoon was playing table tennis with daniel, bambam was watching them.

"finally is nakamoto yuta and ji hansol, they look a like but aren't related," minho motioned you the two talking in the corner, the two waved when minho addressed them, "it's weird right?"

namjoon nodded, "yeah, are they all korean?"

"no, of course bambam isn't, and yuta is japanese which makes hansol and yuta looking like each other even stranger,"

"cool, when's my roommate coming?" namjoon asked looking at the elder.

"right.." minho paused. namjoon heard heard a bang coming from the corridor and fast running, "now!"

the door swung open and a man appeared at the door, panting since he was out of breath, "where's my roommate? i wanna give him a hug!"


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