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"why is your bodyguard here anyway?" jimin addressed yoongi, "the meeting's only supposed to be for idols,"

the elder shrugged, "just because i wanted him to be here. jin hyung favours him too,"

"he does?" namjoon asked, glancing over in jin's direction to see him typing on the computer.

"yeah it's obvious. he even lets you call him hyung after such a short time. with newcomers, normally it takes a week or two," jimin explained.

"it took me two months," yoongi put head in his hand, resting his elbow on namjoons shoulder, "he didn't like my attitude,"

"i can see why. you were really rotten when you first came here," the youngest pushed yoongi playfully, lightly smiling.

the elder pushed him back, muttering something about him being worse.

someone tapped namjoon on the shoulder while yoongi and jimin were talking. he'd never seen the woman before, "can i help you?"

"sorry but there's no more seats and jin oppa said to ask you to move and stand at the back," the girl explained, she must of been an idol.

"oh of course," namjoon said quickly. before he stood up namjoon whispered into yoongi's ear what the girl had said, "i'm gonna stand at the back."

"no." the elder said plainly.

namjoon looked at yoongi, "what?"

"no," yoongi repeated, them replied with, "you'll sit on my lap,"

"wha-" the taller started to reply before he was pulled onto yoongi. the girl sat down next to them, bowing as she did so.

namjoon awkwardly bowed back. he was currently sitting in between yoongi's legs. to anyone this would look weird. namjoon didn't understand why yoongi couldn't of just sat down and let him stand at the back.

"hyung let me just stand at the back," namjoon whined. yoongi's arms wrapped around him in protest, pulling him back so they were back to chest.

if the elder was honest, he wasn't 100% sure why he didn't just let namjoon stand at the back. in just a short time, he felt something for the younger that yoongi didn't want to admit just yet.

"no," yoongi replied.

jimin smiled knowingly at the two. jin glanced over to them quickly and did the same.

"alright everyone," the ceo clasped his hands together, successfully getting everyone's attention, "your all aware now that we have new concert dates. these are on the 14th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 25th, 27th and the 29th of january."

jin pointed to a white board, on the wall, "as you know our last tour dates were the 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 12th and the 13th, so these will be follow dates for our original concert."

"since the tour is now longer, idol groups will be able to preform more songs. for example, pristin, you'll get to preform 'wee woo' and 'we like' as planned, but you can preform two more of your choice. if you guys want you can preform a pristin v song too."

the members of pristin nodded eagerly. "good now the dates everyone will be preforming on are," jin continued to read of a list on his computer. half of the people namjoon had never heard of before.

the younger got distracted when yoongi and put his chin on namjoon's shoulder.

"marc and jiem are on the 5th, 7th and 13th as planned and now will be preforming on the 16th, 17th, 25th and the 29th but that's the closing ceremony so everyone will preforming then."

"don't worry about forgetting the dates and such," jin reassured, "i'll send an email later on in the week,"

a few people sighed in relief, "i'd advise you to all rest up now and not go hard on practicing. don't hurt yourselves. just rest and relax, i'll call another meeting in a week so we can start concert preparation."

"thanks for coming everyone," jin thanked with a bow, smiling brightly. namjoon smiled back even though he wasn't even meant to be in the meeting.

the younger thought about how nice his ceo and jungkook were. namjoon didn't think he'd meet such nice people, who didn't care about the company image and such. he was lucky to have such laid back ceo's. he didn't know what he'd do if he got a controlling, bad tempered one.

jin bowed at everyone as they were dismissed, everyone stood up and bowed too. namjoon included.

everyone left soon after, namjoon, jin, yoongi and jimin were the only ones left in the room.

the second youngest walked over to jin, "hey hyung?" he asked.

jin stopped typing on his computer, looking at namjoon, he smiled, "what's up joon?"

"i have a favour to ask," the younger twiddled with his fingers, getting a little nervous.

"sure," jin urged him to ask, "what is it?"

"my friend hoseok," namjoon said, "he's at jungkook's company and i've been noticing taehyung has been.. lonely without a roommate and actually very um," namjoon coughed, "horny,"

jin chuckled, "yeah, he's like that." jin shook his head with a laugh escaping his lips, probably recalling an old memory, "but are you asking me to set hoseok up with taehyung or a job here?"

namjoon scratched his head, "perhaps both. i miss him a lot, he's my best friend after all. hobi also has a habit of getting with the wrong men that leave him heart broken. i don't want to see him like that anymore. i think taehyung would be good for him,"

jin was silent for a while, he had a stone cold face on. namjoon couldn't tell what he was thinking even if he tried really hard. but the suddenly, jin giggled, "i'll see what i can do namjoon. i'll talk to jungkook about it,"

"thank you so much hyung!" namjoon cheered as he bounced up.

"you don't mind me telling jungkook about the plan do you?"

namjoom shook his head, "just make sure he doesn't tell hobi and don't tell tae,"

"i wouldn't dream of telling him," jin replied, tying something in his phone, supposably telling jungkook their plan.

"bye hyung," namjoon said as he walked out the office, jimin and yoongi had gone out a while ago. jin waved as he pressed his phone up to his ear.

"what was that about," yoongi asked when namjoon emerged from the room.

"me and jin hyung have a plan to get tae a boyfriend," namjoon giggled evilly.


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