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when namjoon woke up again, it was already noon and yoongi was no where to be found.

as the younger explored the elders apartment, looking in all the small rooms he hadn't seen before, he noticed that there was a note on the fridge.

it read, 'hey baby, i'm sorry for leaving you alone but hyung had to go for that doctors check up with jimin. i made you some breakfast, it's in the microwave. heat it up before you eat. i'll be back soon <3'

namjoon's heart melted at the note, the 'baby' and the heart were too much for his heart to handle. the boys face flushed red and he stuffed the pocket, only now realising he slept in his clothes.

the dimpled boy headed to yoongi's microwave and opened the small door by pressing a button. he saw that the elder had made him some pancakes.

"how did he know they were my favourite?" namjoon asked himself, putting the timer on for one minute.

he started the timer and as it went down, he stared intensely at the food as it slowly spun around inside of the microwave.

once it went off, namjoon snapped out of his daze and opened small door. he picked up the plate and placed it on the table, careful to not burn his hands in the process.

he ate the pancakes after pouring unhealthy amounts on syrup on them, which were a little burnt on the bottom but somehow it made them taste much nicer, or maybe it was because his yoongi hyung made them.

when namjoon had eaten the pancakes, he cleared his plates away and put them in the dishwasher. while he was at it, the boy decided to do yoongi's laundry too.

he put all of the clothes that were laying in the corners or just on the floor of yoongi's in the small washing basket beside the bathroom.

he took that basket and opened the door, not forgetting to get the spare key card for the elders room incase he wasn't back by the time namjoon had finished washing.

carrying the basket in his hands, he opened the door that led him to the laundry room. taehyung had showed him where this was after his first week of being here.

and although namjoon wasn't taehyung's roommate anymore, he still went over as if it was still his own room.

the tall boy chuckled, remember his plan to get hoseok and taehyung together, and to maybe even throw jimin in the mix.

"what are you laughing about hyung?" yuta asked jumping on his back and ruffling his already messy hair.

namjoon threw him off, knowing yuta would balance himself quickly since he used to play football, "can't i laugh?"

"touché," yuta smiled, waking down the washing machine isle with namjoon, "what brings you here anyway? i know that's not your basket so who's is it?"

namjoon mentally cursed yuta for being so observant, "it's yoongi hyungs. he's out so i thought i'd do something nice,"

namjoon bent down as he took his boyfriend's, the younger loved saying that, clothes out of the basket and into the washing machine. yuta tutted, "don't think you can fool me, kim."

"what do you mean, nakamoto?" namjoon asked, trying to make himself seem innocent while putting the washing machine tablet into its place and closing the door.

yuta sighed, jumping up on the many washing machines around as namjoon turned his machine on, its middle starting to spin around, "you know exactly what i mean."

"do i?" the elder asked as he sat next to yuta.

"just admit it joonie hyung~" the smaller whined getting a little frustrated at namjoon's denial.

the elder chuckled, moving further back into the washing machine and crossing his legs, "what do you want to know? i'll answer truthfully if you ask,"

"are you dating yoongi hyung?" yuta asked impatiently, of course, nothing could get past the romance expert.

"if i was, would you tell anyone?" namjoon asked a little urgently. though he masked his urgency well bodily wise, his voice slightly quivering gave him away.

yuta shook his head lightly, "i wouldn't dream of it hyung." namjoon let out a sigh of relief, "now tell me how it happened!"

"okay, so..."

and after a lot of explaining and interruptions from yuta, namjoon finished his story of how he and yoongi got together.

yuta jumped off the machine and opened another a few washing machines down, which must of had his own clothes in, along with sicheng of course.

"that's pretty chaotic compared to me and sicheng's," yuta concluded as he took all the wet clothes out and turned 180 degrees to the dryers opposite.

namjoon shrugged, "maybe,". he paused as yuta put the dryer on, "how did you and sicheng get together?"

"well since i'm not sicheng's bodyguard, i didn't meet him instantly, i'd been at the company for at least two months before i'd even seen a glimpse of him." he started, namjoon realised he had no idea who yuta's idol actually was.

"i remember the first time i saw him, thinking he was the most beautiful boy i'd ever lay my eyes on. but i didn't have the guts to talk to him." yuta said, sitting opposite namjoon but on a dryer, "sicheng was and still is way out of my league-"

"-don't say that idiot! i love you," someone said, shocking the life out of yuta and namjoon. it was of course, sicheng.

yuta screamed, a hand clutched at his heart, "honey don't scare me like that!"

"sorry," sicheng replied, grabbing his hand and giving it a squeeze, "sorry again for interrupting but xiaojun is looking for you,"

"xiaojun?" namjoon asked, this was a name he'd never heard of before.

sicheng nodded, "xiaojun is my younger cousin, who's also an idol here. he's in a trio group with two guys called hendery and yangyang."

"nice," namjoon answered plainly.

"i'll continue the story later. will you take my stuff back up to my dorm? i've got bodyguard business to attend to." the elder nodded. yuta and sicheng walked down the hall and then left through the door namjoon entered though.

'xiaojun must be yuta's idol,' the dimpled boy thought as he took his wet clothes out the washing machine and put them in the dryer.

as he waited, sitting on the floor, resting against the dryer door, while playing on his phone, he got some texts from yoongi.

they read:
'namjoon are you okay?'
'what's happened?'
'are you safe?
'did it hurt you?'

"what?" the boy muttered out loud.



also bighit had the audacity to get rid/cover jjk's tattoos 😩😩)

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