Chapter One

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Since you graduated from Hogwarts, you left your parents house and moved to a small apartment. You share the apartment with your best friend Jessica, a tall black haired and black eyed girl who comes from the muggle world. She knows who you are and what you are, and accepts it. She thinks magic is awesome.

On the other hand, Draco and you have been best friends since First Year, but you haven't seen him in years because you both followed separate ways after graduation. He got married and you attended the Nursery School, and there is where you met Jessica.

You're currently single. Love seems not to be your thing. You dream about having children someday, but it's physically impossible to you because you have a malformation in the uterus that doesn't allow you to have children.

You're not sterile. You're perfectly able to get pregnant, but if you do, sooner or later you're gonna suffer a spontaneous miscarriage.

Since you love children, you work as a nanny. Being a nanny is something very serious to you. You're really good on your job and all the children you take care of love you.

Today, you buy a newspaper and something catches your attention in the classified ads section. It turns out that a family is looking for a trustable nanny to take care of their one year old son. It looks like the perfect job for you.

You get home and show the ad to Jessica.

—Look at this, Jess.

—It seems like there is a new job for you, (Y/N/N).

The ad shows certain patterns that make you realize that this family is actually a wizard family.

—But this is no ordinary job. Just look at this —you show her the patterns—. I bet they're a wizard family.


—I wonder why they published this ad in a muggle newspaper instead of the Daily Prophet.

—Perhaps they wanna hire a muggle nanny.

—So, this is not the job for me.

—But, what if this is some kind of test and they're looking for a witch nanny? You'll never know if you don't try to get the job. What are you waiting for? Do your magic, (Y/N/N).

You smile and call out your owl:

—Hootie? Come over here, lovely. I need you to deliver something.

You open her cage door and she flies towards you and lands on your shoulder, and stares at your motion mindfully as you enclose your resume in an envelope to owl it to the family.

—I trust you, princess —you kiss Hootie's head—. You know what to do.

Hootie hoots and grabs the letter with her beak, and flies off trough the window.

—¡Safe journey, Hootie! —Jessica says as she waves her hand, and stares at Hootie in fascination until she disappears in the horizon—. Did I tell you that magic is awesome?

—Like a million times, Jess —you reply and both of you giggle.

—Would you tell me the story of Hootie again?

—Do you mean now?

Pleeeeeease. I love that story —she looks at you with puppy eyes. You sigh and sit on the couch, and she lays on the couch and rests her head on your lap.

—Everything started when I was 11. I received my Hogwarts acceptance letter and my parents took me to Diagon Alley to buy my First Year stuff...

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