Chapter 1 ~ Did You Know Angels Play Piano?

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Clary woke to the sound of music drifting through her room and sunlight streaming in from her window at the Institue. She smiled groggily and quickly pulled on a pair of jeans, a forest green blouse, and a pair of combat boots. She ran a brush through her hair and raced downstairs, pausing in the doorway as she beheld an angel; no not just any angel, her angel. Jace Herondale sat playing the piano and practically glowing in the rays of light slanting down from the long window nearby. He looked up without pausing his fingers as they flitted across the keys.

"It's rude to stare you know," he said with the grin that she loved so much. She crossed the room, longing to feel the electric pull she felt by being close to him.

"Will you teach me?" she asked. He quirks one eyebrow with a bemused expression on his face. "Piano, silly. Will you teach me how to play?" she repeated. He motioned her closer, and he had her sit on the bench next to him. She ached to touch him now that he was so close.

"First", he whispered in her ear, "sit up straight". He gently placed her fingers on the keys, and he ran his fingers up her spine when she began to slouch forward. Her breath caught, and she reflected that no matter how much he touched her, it was like the first time every time. Magical. She tried to make her fingers imitate Jace's dancing fingers, but she stopped when she heard the clash of notes turn into a painful unnatural chord. She covered her ears as the sound rang around the room, and she looked up shamefully into Jace's eyes.

"Oops", she muttered. Jace looked down into her eyes, and she thought she saw a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Do I amuse you?" she asked a little impertinently.

"No of course not," he said quickly."I was just...marveling at how I could end up with someone as amazing as you, and anyway, I was like that when I first started playing too." She looked up, shocked. 

"I'm the lucky one Jace Herondale! You are the most..." she looked down and blushed at her loss for words. She redirected her sentence. "...and besides, I doubt you were bad at anything." She finally risked a glance upward.

"It's really a shame that the rest of our lesson will be canceled for today." said Jace with mock sadness and a coy smile.

"Why?! I am so sorry that we aren't all experts, but I will try harder. I promise!" exclaimed Clary will vigor.

"That's not what I meant," he said with an even wider grin. "I just think we may be a little too preoccupied for piano lessons." The sudden smile that flashed across her face was the only invitation he needed. The sudden warmth that enveloped Clary came from the feeling of Jace crushing his lips against hers. He pulled her into his arms, and he hoisted her into the air. She laughed and wrapped her arms tightly his around his neck. 

"Since I am officialy your boyfriend I think it's time I take you on a proper date." he said in between kisses.


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