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Okay, so I realize that Mandalorian's are supposed to be stone-cold soldiers who only care about getting the job done. However, as we've seen so far in the first few episodes, this one obviously shows some compassion and sympathy, and is probably a giant teddy bear under all of his armour. I think that with this thought in mind I may have wrote this bounty hunter just a bit too soft, but I believe for the story purposes it was necessary. It will make much more sense when you read into some of the later chapters.

With that in mind, I just had to warn you that this story does feature a soft and vulnerable side to the Mandalorian we know, even more soft than the way he goes back for the Baby Yoda. Some people probably won't like that, and for that I completely understand. I just had to warn though, this isn't your typical Mandalorian story.

I'm a huge Star Wars nerd, and I realize all of the codes that the Mandalorians follow, I realize that there is only one way for a Mandalorian to go about their day. But this is a Mandalorian that is, in a sense, a rebel. He learns to feel some emotions towards characters that bounty hunters of his kind should probably never feel.

Not to mention this story is both extremely unrealistic and cliché, but what can I say, I'm a sap for that kind of stuff. It's super fluffy but also really action-packed too (I think?), so it's hopefully it's good.

I'm going to do a few chapters as a back story for the reader so we can get a sense of the extra character, and then I'll just dedicate each chapter to each episode. I have a feeling that it will all be in the Mandalorian's point of view, but there will be lots of talking from the reader, especially the first few chapters so we can learn about her backstory.

These will probably take sometime to write, so bear with me, I am a very busy person, but I will try my best.

Also go follow magicalmenagerie because those stories are the BEST.

If you've read all of this nonsense, I thank you immensely, and I hope you enjoy the story!

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