Note Worthy

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The moment Ava stepped into the room, she felt eyes on her. She surveyed her surroundings and settled on a black leather sofa in front of a matching armchair. The soft leather of the sofa kissed the exposed flesh of her thighs. She ran her hands through her long blond hair as she studied the steely grey eyes of the 40-something woman who sat across from her. The woman's angular features gave her an air of sophistication.

"Would you like a glass of water or a cup of tea?" The woman asked, her voice deep and sultry with hints of a British accent.

''A glass of water, thanks,'' Ava said as she let her gaze slip from the woman's eyes to her rich brown hair, which was wound tightly into a spiral at the nape of her neck. Ava bit her lip and imagined what it would feel like to pull the pins from the woman's hair and wrap her hands in it.

Ava watched the woman's long, muscular thighs as she stood up to get a glass of water from the kitchenette in the corner. The woman's body was lean, and her black suit was perfectly tailored to loosely hug the gentle lines of her form. The only hint of femininity in her severely tailored suit was the pink silk camisole that was peeking through her buttoned jacket.

The woman handed her the glass of water and settled down in the chair across from her.

Ava cleared her throat, took a sip of water, and placed the glass on the mahogany side table next to her.

The woman extended her hand, "It's nice to meet you Ava, I'm Dr. Prescott." Ava slowly slipped her hand into Dr. Prescott's and let her fingers slide across the softly manicured flesh.

Dr. Prescott quickly pulled her hand away and leaned back in her chair as a heavy breath expelled through her plump lips.

"So, Ava, what brings you here today?"

"My mother has made my visiting you a condition of her financial support. So here I am."

Dr. Prescott let the comment hang in the air for a moment and then asked gently, "Why do you think your mother is concerned about you?"

Ava grinned and stared challengingly into the doctor's eyes, "I don't think it's about concern. She thinks there's something wrong with me, and she's trying to fix it."

Dr. Prescott nodded at this and made a note on the notebook that was resting in her lap. "What do you think she believes is wrong with you?"

Ava bit her bottom lip gently as she studied the doctor. She rested her gaze on the soft swell of the doctor's breasts for a blink too long before trailing her focus upward to face the doctor's inquisitive eyes. She laughed softly and held Dr. Prescott's gaze, "I seduced her best friend."

Dr. Prescott's eyes grew dark, and she shifted in her chair as she absorbed the weight of the comment.

Dr. Prescott's eyes grew dark, and she shifted in her chair as she absorbed the weight of the comment. She cleared her throat, and in a voice slightly deeper than it was just moments before asked, "Why do you think you did that?"

Ava laughed at the Doctor's restrained expression. Then she smiled and ran her fingers over her bottom lip, feigning deep thought about her motivations. But she knew exactly why she had chosen to take Cynthia to bed, why she was still doing it. Because she could, and because she wanted to. She shifted in her chair and let her short plaid skirt ride up her slightly parted thighs as she studied Dr. Prescott's reaction, which had turned stoic and impassable.

"I've always had a thing for older women." Ava said, her eyes alight with mischief as she watched Dr. Prescott for a response. The Doctor's breath hitched in her throat, and she shifted her eyes to her lap as she made another note. Ava smiled and looked down at the pad of paper in the Doctor's lap. "That's note worthy?" she asked, clearly amused.

Dr. Prescott looked up at Ava with a guarded expression, "Does my taking notes make you uncomfortable?"

"No, I just think it's interesting to watch when you take them."

Dr. Prescott smiled a smile that never quite reached her eyes and continued, "There are many older women you could be with. Why do you think you chose to sleep with your mother's best friend?"

Ava let her gaze rest on the Doctor's lips and was rewarded when she shifted uncomfortably in her chair. "You're the shrink, why don't you tell me?" she asked, flinching at the bitterness she heard creeping into her own voice.

Dr. Prescott ignored the question and looked at the notepad in her lap, "How old is your mother's best friend?"

"I think she's in her early forties." It was a lie. Cynthia was in her mid-thirties, but Ava suspected that the Doctor was in her forties, and she desperately wanted to see the older woman's reaction.

Dr. Prescott nodded and once again looked down to the paper in her lap, "That would make her almost twenty years older than you Ava. What's the draw for you? What do you think you gain from these types of relationships?"

"I wouldn't describe it as a relationship," Ava replied petulantly.

Dr. Prescott leaned down to make another note, "Who ended it?"

"I didn't say it was over."

"Is it over?"

"I'm not sure."

"So what do you think you gained from it?"

Ava laughed, "You're relentless."

"Why don't you tell me more about her and about your...connection?"

Ava flicked one perfectly manicured eyebrow skyward and laughed softly. She was more than happy to tell the Doctor every delicious detail. She loved the idea of watching the other woman squirm in her seat as she described every pleasure that she and Cynthia had shared.

She watched the Doctor settle in her chair and cross her legs as she leaned back and waited for Ava to begin.

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