Yes Mistress

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Session Two

"Her name was Madison, Maddie for short. I noticed her the minute I walked into the bar. The dark room was pounding with music, and the air tasted of perfume and sweat. She was standing in the coat check line, chatting with a group of friends.

Her hair was an impossibly cute bob, flipped under to rest against her neck. There was something about her that screamed innocence while at the same time oozing sex. She was a playful kind of sexy, the kind that doesn't seem to have any intensity or edge."

She paused, allowing her eyes to wander up the curves of the Doctor's body. Ava knew instinctively that sex between them wouldn't be that sweet or playful; it would be intense, explosive, and powerful.

She smiled at the Doctor's pensive expression. She could tell that Dr. Prescott wanted to hear more about Madison but couldn't quite figure out how to ask. She smirked and let the silence span into an uncomfortably long pause. As the silence drew on, Ava watched the Doctor's shoulders knot with tension.

She smiled coyly, "I didn't approach her. I leaned against a wall next to the dance floor and watched her from across the room."

"Were you there with someone? Or alone?" Dr. Prescott asked with a surprising tenderness.

Ava, startled a bit, replied, "I was alone. I prefer it that way."

The Doctor nodded and wrote something in the notepad on her lap.

Ava raised her eyebrow but said nothing.

"Madison was beautiful, but not really my type. I've always liked a little edge, and she didn't have any. So I didn't pay much attention to her for most of the night, until I found myself standing behind her in the bathroom line. When I saw her up close, I realized that she was wearing the shortest mini dress that I've ever seen. It was white with little ships all over it, and it clung to her like a second skin. It cut off high enough on her legs that I could see a glimpse of the white satin hipster panties she was wearing underneath it."

Ava stopped and sipped her water.

"Should I stop there, Dr. Prescott? I think our time is pretty close to running out, isn't it?" Ava asked with a sigh as she looked out the window, hiding a smile. She liked watching the Doctor's control slip away bit by bit as she struggled to hide what the effect this conversation was having on her.

Dr. Prescott cleared her throat. There was no way that she was going to show Ava the effect this story was having on her.

"If you feel that you would like to stop there, we can pick this up in our next session. That being said, we still have 20 minutes remaining in this session. How you choose to use the remaining time is entirely up to you."

Ava smiled inwardly. There was something completely alluring about watching a woman hold on to control so tightly. She knew that when someone works that hard to hold on, the moment she finally lets go is breathtakingly intense.

"I didn't intend to say anything to Maddie. The truth is that I was at the Ruby because the bartender is a friend of mine. But that didn't stop me from noticing her. Every time she moved, I saw more of her panties, and there was something erotic about her seeming innocence given the effect that she was having on me."

Ava stopped and laughed out loud, "Or so I thought. She seemed so innocent, but she wasn't; God, she was the furthest thing from it. That's what made it so seductive."

The washroom line was long; there were probably fifteen or twenty other girls in front of us. As I stood there, I noticed that she was becoming more brazen. She had started with small movements, leaning against the wall or adjusting her dress, but she quickly became more overt. She would bend forward to brush something off her knee, which caused her very short white dress to drift upwards and expose half of her perfect ass.

I felt like a voyeur at first. Like I was watching something that I shouldn't. I was transfixed by her. I was almost afraid to breathe in case she noticed me and decided to stop.

In the beginning, I watched her subtly, but soon I became more blatant. I watched her move with a combination of desire and reverence. For the first ten minutes, I genuinely didn't know if she knew what she was doing. After that I decided that I was done being a passive observer; I needed to know if she was doing this for me. So I reached up and put my trembling fingers on her lower back and waited for her to turn around. But she didn't. Instead, she leaned backward into my hand. I shifted my palm down to her ass and stopped when I reached the hem of her impossibly short skirt. She let out a soft, almost inaudible, moan. My heart and body bubbled with excitement."

Ava looked up as the Doctor caught herself leaning forward in her seat and clumsily readjusted.

She smiled and a light flush appeared across the Doctor's face.

"I leaned forward," Ava said with a smile and a gleam in her eye, "and whispered in her ear 'What's your name?'

She pushed herself backward, into me, her ass pushing into the front of my thighs. 'Madison, but you can call me Maddie.'

'And what do you want Maddie?' I asked teasingly.

'I want to please you, Mistress.' She said in a husk, slightly breathless whisper.

My heart pounded hard in my chest, my mouth went dry, and I lost the ability to breath. I'd never had that happen before, and it was unbelievably erotic. I wanted her so desperately in that moment, but I was timid like I'd never been before. It was like her asking me to take control had ironically striped away all of the control that I had. I was in a state of aroused shock.

I coughed away the anxiety and surprised myself with how deep my voice had gotten, as I whispered in her ear, 'I want to taste you, right here, right now. I want your hot pussy in my mouth and no matter what I do, you will stand very still and stay very quiet. Do I make myself clear?'

'Yes, Mistress.' She murmured as she looked down, watching both of my hands slide up her body and find her hard nipples through the fabric of her dress.

She was still standing in front of me watching my hands as I slid my fingers under the neckline of her dress, skimming them slowly across the soft skin. I leaned forward and softly bit her ear as I pushed my hands into her bra, grasping for her rock hard nipples. I let my fingers skate across them, for which I was rewarded with a moan. I quickly pulled my hands away.

'Bad girl, I told you to stay quiet,' I whispered in her ear.

I wet my fingers on my tongue before plunging them back into her shirt and rolling both nipples between my fingertips. I leaned forward to hear her catch her breath in her throat, but she didn't make another sound.

We were surrounded by people, but no one seemed to notice or, more likely, they were pretending not to."

Ava looked up to find Dr. Prescott absently stroking her own lips with her index finger.

Ava smiled, "Well, I think our time is probably up now. Isn't it Doctor?"

The Doctor, startled, mumbled "Yes, yes I think so. I'll see you next week."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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