Bran Stark - Stranger

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Summary - Bran returns to Winterfell after his quest to find The Three Eyed Raven, but his behavior is different.

Characters: Bran Stark, Reader, Sansa Stark
Warnings: Shit ton of angst.


It was a chilly afternoon, snow coated the colossal walls surrounding the Castle of Winterfell.

Y/N was standing by the godswood with no one other than Sansa Stark herself.

You knew her since you were merely a child, after Ned Stark found you, abandoned by the front gate of the castle. He and Catelyn decided to keep you and raise you as one of their own.

The Starks were the closest you ever had to a real family. Now most of them were gone, who knows where.

The two girls were chatting quietly, until an armed guard ran up to them. You were quiet startled by his unexpected appearance.

"Lady Stark, Lady Y/L/N, gate!" he motioned towards it, before rushing back.
You and Sansa quickly hurried after him.

"You think it's Jon, or perhaps Arya?" asked Sansa, continuing on quickly. Both of you were waiting for the remaining of the Starks to arrive at Winterfell for about a fortnight now. "Who else could it be?" you smiled gently.


In a few minutes time you arrived at the main gate, standing by Sansa's side. You gripped her hand reassuringly as the iron gate slowly lifted. She rested her arm around your shoulders,waiting anxiously.

Your breath hitched and your heart seemed to skip a beat as your gaze drifted towards his silhouette.

The boy you thought was dead. The boy you loved. It had to be him, you easily recognized his features, though he changed quiet much.

His shoulders were now broader, and he was definitely taller, but there was one detail that made you feel uneasy.

His face.

It was cold as stone, emotionless. Bran continued on staring forward at nothing in particular, and you had to admit, it kind of freaked you out.

You quickly let go of Sansa's hand and rushed up to your long lost friend. You slid to a stop, a few steps away from him.

"Bran." you let out a quiet whimper, tears of happiness streaming down your face.

"Hello, Y/N" answered Bran, his tone remaining monotone, and his face just as blank as when he entered at first.

"I missed you so much Bran!" you smiled brightly, attempting to get any kind of reaction out of him.


"I'm not Bran anymore, I am The Three Eyed Raven." he answered simply.

The blood ran cold in your veins.

"Didn't you miss me?"

You asked, your voice trembling slightly. You felt everyones gaze on your back, it made you uneasy and yet, even more frustrated.

"I don't feel anymore." he shrugged.

You felt your anger slowly raise and take over.

"Your kidding me, right?" you chuckled dryly. "Stop messing around Bran."

He remained silent, staring at you blankly.

"It's been years, and all I get is a 'Hello'?" you gave him a stern look, your eyes tearing up.

He continued on staring, and the silence brought you over the edge.

"I'm done." you wiped the tears with the back of your palm. "I'm leaving."

You wouldn't dare to look back at Sansa, who'd most likely would be crying by now.

Just as you turned, and readied yourself to leave you decided to try one last thing.
You quickly spun around, facing him.

"You're not the Bran I knew. He'd never act like this." you spat out, your voice dripping with venom. "Hell, you're not the guy I fell in love with." you hissed.

And still, his expression was cold.

You exhaled, letting out a shaky breath. You started walking, wishing he'd call out your name, do anything other than stare.

But no.

It was too late. Bran was gone.

With that thought, you quickened your pace, and left Winterfell, heading as far away as you possibly could.


This was so fun to make, I think I cried like twice! Let me know if you guys want a part two. Also if you find any spelling errors let me know. Hope you enjoyed it!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2019 ⏰

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