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The little ball of sunshine woke up to find that something felt off about his body. He looked in the mirror and saw that, he was a girl!

His hair was longer and messy, his chest was a bit bigger, and his feminine features stood out. 'How am I gonna tell the team!?" He panicked. His parents were already at work and Natsu didn't have school today.

Luckily, everything he needed to look like a girl was hanging in the closet. He slipped on the girls' uniform and put his hair into a small ponytail. He was used to doing Natsu's hair so it was easy for him.

Finally, he had breakfast and headed out the door. What was he going to do?!


The mother-like setter woke up to a strange feeling in his chest. He got up and looked down, only to find breasts!

He started shaking, he looked at himself in the mirror. Mid length hair, softer voice, skinnier waist...How was he gonna tell his mom?!

His mother was single and really the only person he had. He didn't want to worry her because she already did so much to support him!

He put on the uniform that was CONVENIENTLY lying on his desk. Styling his hair to look like Yachi's, he ate breakfast and walked out the door.


The freckled face boy woke up and felt a heavy feeling in his chest. He looked down at his feet...but he could only see the tips of them.

His mind started racing, what was Tsukki gonna think?! Looking at himself, he saw curves, a smaller face, and hair that was not too long.

Turning to his left, he saw Karasuno's female attire. He put it on but immediately regretted his decision, he felt like he was suffocating!

Carefully making his way down the stairs, he made breakfast for himself and left a note for his mom to see, it said:

I'm leaving early today!


The short libero shot up out of his bed. He felt weird, he noticed his hips were bigger. Looking at his reflection, he froze at the sight.

Somehow, he managed to deal with it and began to make breakfast with a poker face. 'I should tell someone. But who?'

He quickly dialed Suga and began telling him everything, but only to stop when he noticed his voice was higher.

"Hey...don't worry, the same thing happened to me." He freaked out but felt a little better now knowing that he wasn't the only one.

He made his way to school mighty proud.


Yamaguchi was in a real mess. Unlike the other boys, he just couldn't hide the fact that he was a girl.

His chest was too big and his curves were too noticeable. Hell, some guys even checked him out when he left his house!

He decided to phone Tsukishima. "T-Tsukki.." His voice was shaky as he spoke which made the French fry quite worried.

"Yamaguchi? Are you okay?" He gulped, "Tsukki, I turned into a girl!" "What?! Where are you?" "Um..outside your house."

Yamaguchi could hear the sound of footsteps and running over the phone. When Tsukishima came out, he stopped in his tracks to look at his best friend.

"Yamaguchi..." He tried to comfort him by putting a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure the team would understand, you can't be the only one who got cursed." He said.

This lit up his face, "Thanks, Tsukki!" Tsukishima blushed. "Yeah, c'mon." They walked to school like it was any other day, it didn't matter to him what Yamaguchi looked like, they were still friends.


Suga texted everyone to meet up before class at the gym. They all did, and were shocked (except Tsukki and Noya) when they saw the four boys, now girls.

"Dumbass! What's going on?" Asked a very confused Kags. "I don't know! This just...happened!" Yachi was terrified, Asahi was crying, and Daichi was mad.

"Everyone! Calm down!" Said the captain. "We have a tough situation on our hands, since some of our teammates have switched genders." Almost all eyes went to Yamaguchi.

"I'll talk to Takeda sensei to inform all your teachers about what's going on." He himself didn't even know if it would work.

"What if he doesn't believe us?" Asked Suga. "...Then maybe we could show one of you guys to him?" Now everyone looked at Yamaguchi. It was turning into a living hell for him.

"Then I guess I'll do it.." Daichi and Yamaguchi got up and went to the faculty room. "Takeda sensei? We have a problem." 

"Hm? What is i-" 'Thump!' He fainted. "Sensei! Wake up, this is serious!" Cried Yamaguchi. "Ha?" Daichi explained the case and Takeda did as told.

He sighed, 'hopefully this works out.' 


Class time


Kageyama walked Hinata to class for "no reason". When Hinata entered, everyone gawked at him. "Hinata?! Is that you?!" Asks one of the boys. "Y-Yeah.."

All hell broke loose.


Asahi was worried something would happen to him so he followed him to his class before going to his own.

Noya, being Noya, was still his energetic self. He still looked like his male self, and he's Leah's doing absurd things, so everyone just thought it was a joke. 

But that doesn't mean he wasn't attractive.


Daichi walked with him to class and secretly protected him from hungry eyes. They sat down in their classrooms peacefully and continued their day as normal.

And whenever someone needed help on a problem, they went to Suga.


This poor baby had it rough. People were staring at him the whole entire time! It made him feel weird and uncomfortable.

And because he was so cute, people weren't paying attention to the teacher which made him feel bad because they weren't learning.

Tsukki was starting to get protective over him.


And the day went on, volleyball practice came. There were some difficulties, but they weren't so bad.

But it was mostly because of Yama. His clothes were too tight, it was hard to run, and he couldn't dive.

Still, they survived the day.


Chap 2 is here!!

Yes, this is a genderbend story.

Yes, Yamaguchi is important.

Hope you liked it!

Gimme some feedback!



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