8 - Siblings

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Some of the boys had siblings, and some of them saw the girls. 


Tanaka had a bold and wild sister named Saeko. She was free and what Noya would like to call, 'cool'.

Nishinoya and Saeko were really close and he often called her 'nee-san' or 'nee-chan' and treated her like an older sister.

So it all started when Noya just happened to be texting Tanaka when she came in the picture. "Hey, Ryuu! Who ya texting?"

Now, you see, he was a loyal and good friend and Noya has never said to tell anyone about his gender swap.

"No one!" He said quickly. At this, Saeko grew suspicious. "Hm? You can't be talking to "no one", lemme see!"

She saw the name 'Noya' and automatically looked at the conversation. 

Life is being so difficult!

                                                                          It is?

Yeah, being a girl is so hard!! ( T_T)

She read that last line over and over again. "What?!" She gasped and looked at her little brother. He gulped before coming clea with her and telling everything that has happened.

"Ryuu! We have to go see him!" She shouted. "Huh?! Sis, he's fine!" "And how do you know? C'mon!" She dragged him outside to her car.

The ride to Noya's house was...wild? They almost crashed into a pole and got a ticket for speeding.

Then invited themselves into his home and called, "Yuu-chan! Where are you?" Light footsteps grew louder followed by a deep voice.

"Noya, stop!" A panting Asahi came out of his room and looked down at the two with worry. "You really are a girl!" 

The small libero chatted with Saeko and told everyone's that his parents weren't home which made Tanaka think that it was EXTREMELY fishy for Asahi to come over.

But one thing turned into another and soon, a party was thrown.


Akiteru wasn't a pervert. He listened to Yamaguchi and tried to respect his privacy. TRIED. He kinda, okay really, messed up today.

Yamaguchi hadn't showered in a week so he did today. He had to wear Tsukki's clothes since his hips and chest were too big and he didn't fit in his normal clothes.

Akiteru and Kei were watching TV and slowly starting to bond again. Halfway in, the older of the two had to go to the bathroom.

But, he couldn't. If you went to the bathroom while someone was asking a shower, the shower water would turn freezing cold and he was worried about what Yamaguchi was going to hit him with once he got out. It was also the only bathroom in the house.

So he held it in until he heard the shower water stopped and rushed to go urinate. The thing is, Yamaguchi likes to wait in the shower to dry himself before walking out..

And it hasn't even been two seconds Akiteru went upstairs and threw the door open. The two locked eyes and soon became flustered and nervous.

"H-Hentai!" Yama slammed the door in his face and locked it. That led to Akiteru fainting and Tsukishima repeatedly apologizing (and wishing that he had to go to the bathroom).

What a day!


I made this chap slightly longer at 545 words!

I hope u enjoyed and suggest some ideas!



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