6. The Newest

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"I'm starting to think that the Carrying is making you even more stubborn..." Chief muttered, "What were you thinking...!?"

Heatwave shrugged, "I dunno." He admitted, "...I just...Did it."

"I saw that... I might just have High Tide stay here to keep an eye on you from now on." Chief Burns glared at the firetruck for several moments, and then relaxed with a hard sigh. "...But since you rescued Chase, I'm going to let this one time slide."

Heatwave looked to Chase as he laid on the medical table, Blades running a scanner over him. The police bot had passed out again a few minutes after Heatwave had gotten him back to the Firehouse, and while Blades had determined the cause was repairable, it was going to take a day or two of healing stasis and he wanted to check for other hidden damage.

"That was rather reckless," Boulder agreed as he patted the leader's shoulder, "but I'd expect nothing less from you. You've been that way as long as we've known you."

"I remember that day..." Blades murmured with reminiscence, "...He nearly ran me over coming into class late."

"And the professor told me that if I was going to make being late a habit, to just hang up my training badge." Heatwave added, "I was never late again. Even showed up early most sessions."

"So that's where you get your impatience..." Kade teased, getting a glare from his partner. "Hey, I'm guilty of it too."

Dani let out a huge gasp, grabbing her older brother's arm. "You admit to it? Who are you and what have you done with my brother!? Has Haley infected you!?"

"I think it's the other way around, or else she wouldn't be marrying him." Blurr mocked, getting a playful whack in the helm by Salvage. "Ouch."

"Ooh! Speaking of marriage, I got started working on a holoform for it." Boulder announced. "I'd show you, but the clothing part is still a work in progress."

"Me too!" Blurr informed, "I can't decide between a typical racer's uniform or something more casual."

"I don't think it matters," Heatwave narrowed his optics with a grin, "Yours is gonna look weird either way...!"

"Ah! That hurts!"

Kade shook his head, "I...Think I missed something. Holoforms?"

"We'll explain later, Kade." Graham promised, "Right now we need to discuss what we're gonna do about your... digging problem."

Heatwave looked at Cody, who waved his arms and shook his head. "...You know about that?"

"Uh...Yeah." Salvage smirked as he looked at his best friend, "One second Blurr is next to me, the next he's a good six feet or so shorter and face-down in the dirt."

"Oh, well that's not bad."

"Not bad!?" Blurr started, but was stopped by Salvage putting a hand over his mouth.

Heatwave sighed, "Fine. So I've been digging. What's the problem?"

"Um, how about the fact that the tunnels are flooding with rainwater and you keep going out there to dig pits, probably to give birth or lay an egg in? That can't be a good mix."

Heatwave sighed, "I guess we should consider that..."


The family turned to Cody as he spoke up from where he'd been doodling on a notepad. "What?" Kade questioned.

Cody held up an image of a large rectangle. "We build a giant sandbox and then put it somewhere private, like maybe that garage under Doc Greene's lab, and then Heatwave has something to dig in that won't be flooded."

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