11. Impromptu Trip

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The happy newlyweds had decided to wait until school was over in a few weeks to go on their honeymoon, and so for now, it felt just like business as usual. With his duty as best bot over, Heatwave could finally relax and focus on the important things.


Heatwave groaned, his forehead resting against the wall as Downpour screamed inside his quarters. He heard something hit the wall with a thud, and then more angry, upset screams. "Now I know why they call it 'Terrible Twos'..." He muttered, "Except for her, it's three months."

"She'll get over it." Chief assured, "I had to do the same thing with Kade, and you're already doing better than I did those first few nights."

There was another thud, and more screaming, but Heatwave could tell her cries were weakening; she was wearing out and would go to sleep on her own soon.

Blurr meanwhile, was sitting across the room with his hands over his audio receptors. "And this is what you humans go through all the time? Why...!?"

"Have a kid someday and you'll understand," Dani replied with a smirk.

"Dani! Don't say that!" Heatwave scolded with a grin, "...No child deserves Blurr for a parent."

The smile that had appeared on Blurr's face faded, and he got up with a grumble. "I'm going for a drive...!"

"Aww... Be nice, Heatwave." Boulder murmured, "It's not his fault he has little experience with kids."

"It is his fault, because he runs away the second 'babysitting' is even mentioned." He looked around, "Speaking of experience with kids, where's Blades? I thought he'd be watching his tv by now."

"He and Chase went out on a patrol about an hour ago." Dani answered, "They should be back soon."

Heatwave raised an eyebrow with a grin, "Blades went flying without your prodding? Is he ill?"

Heatwave, we need you and Boulder out here now. Chase informed over the comms, We have a serious mudslide situation that requires immediate attention.

"We're on our way, Chase." Heatwave turned to the others, "Salvage, keep an eye on Downpour and Snowblast. We'll be back."

"Yes Sir!" Salvage announced with a salute, and then Heatwave and Boulder transformed, picked up their partners along with Dani and Chief, and then drove off.

No more than five minutes had passed when Quickshadow came rushing in. "Salvage, where are the Rescue Bots? We have a situation."

"Yeah, the mudslide. They're all already on-"

"No no no. The proximity sensor on Dino Island's been triggered."

Salvage stood up a little straighter, "There's intruders."

"Yes. Someone needs to go and investigate, and Sigma 17 are the only ones who have dino modes that won't set off the native population."

"Okay okay..." Salvage paced for a moment, "So we don't know how long the mudslide situation is going to be a priority, but if we wait too long then the dinosaurs might be put in danger, but those of us who are available don't have dino disguises..." He paused, "...Yet."

"What're you suggesting?"

"That we each scan a dino form and then go to Dino Island to investigate."

Quickshadow sighed, "We don't have many options...We'll need High Tide to take us, I don't know the first thing about piloting the Burnses little boat."

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