7. While the Leader Rests...

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Heatwave started out of the alleyway, his optics searching the streets for movement as he held his daughter in his arms like a small dog.
 It had only been a few hours since he'd given birth; his body still hurt from the ordeal, but he knew that the hours of early morning would mean less humans on the streets, and he wasn't ready for his daughter to have her first closeup just yet.

He was grateful when they reached the firehouse and the garage door was open, allowing him to slip inside quickly and then close it behind him.
Still, he waited until the door was completely closed before relaxing and setting his daughter down on the floor. She stumbled a few steps on her inexperienced legs, but quickly regained her footing. She squeaked to him, and he transformed back into dino mode to lead her further into the garage.


The firebot looked to the bulldozer as he entered view, and then to his daughter as she ducked under him for protection. "Aww...It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you."

Heatwave bent down, looking to his daughter and then to Boulder. "Downpour...This is your Uncle Boulder." He introduced. "Come on, it's okay."

Downpour tiptoed out from under her father, her long neck reaching out as she sniffed Boulder's awaiting hand.

"See? Nothing to be afraid of." Boulder assured, giving a smile. "...She's gonna be just like you, I can tell."

"Oh joy..." Heatwave muttered with a smirk, the smirk being replaced with a grimace as his insides pulsed with pain. "Ah...!"

"Still hurting?"

"Y-Yes... Could you watch her for a little while? I need to refuel and then rest."

"Of course." Boulder gave the little bot's muzzle a gentle boop as her father started to walk away, and he gave a reassuring wink at her before heading for the energon storage.

Heatwave paused however, as he passed the medical bay, looking in to see Chase and Blades exiting. "Chase?"

In the passing days after his fall into the tunnels, Chase had seemed to be fine, excepting some aches and pains. Heatwave had even seen him and Chief go out on patrol the previous afternoon, so it was concerning to see him back in the medical bay.

"Heatwave." Blades greeted, "Welcome back. I was just checking in on Chase, he felt out of sorts when he came out of recharge this morning."

Heatwave nodded, looking between his two teammates. "And the result?"

"It is nothing to be concerned over." Chase informed, "Now if you will excuse me, I have a patrol to prepare for."

The pair watched him wander out of earshot, and then Heatwave turned back to Blades. "You're getting better at your medical poker face, Blades, but I can tell there's something you didn't tell him."

Blades' eyebrows furrowed as he looked away, "...Yes. There was only about a 24-hour period, so there wasn't much by the time it happened, but..."


Blades lowered his voice even lower, "...The humans call it a 'Miscarriage.'"

Heatwave's optics widened as he registered the word in his processor. "...He was carrying too...?"

"Only for about 24 hours, like I said. But...Yes." The medic's optics shifted down the hallway where Chase had gone, "...I'm not telling him. He didn't know anything about it, and at this point, there is nothing more I or anyone else can do... I don't think he needs to know."

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