Going To Beacon Academy

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Your currently on a bullhead as you see Ruby being hugged by a woman with blonde hair and lilac eyes

???:Oh I can't believe my baby sister is going to Beacon with me! This is the best day ever!

Ruby:Please stop!

The girl let's go and looks at her as you chuckle quietly

???But I'm so proud of you!

Ruby:Really sis it was nothing

???:What do you mean? It was incredible everyone at Beacon is going to think that your the bee's knees

Ruby:I don't want to be the "Bee's knee's" Okay? I don't wanna be any kind of knees I just want to be a normal girl with normal knees

???:What's with you aren't you excited?!

Ruby:Of course I'm excited it's just I got moved ahead two years I don't want people to think I'm special or anything

The girl walks to Ruby and places her arm around her shoulder

???:But you are special

You walk over to them as Ruby turns around and sees you

Ruby:Oh hey Y/n!

Y/n:Hi Ruby

???:Oh what's this? Does my sister have a crush already?

Ruby blushes as do you as she covers her face in embarrassment

Ruby:Shut up Yang he helped me during that fight last night

Yang:Oh hot stuff over here can fight?


Ruby zooms in front of you with her arms flailing in the air


Yang:What is it?

Y/n:I just thought of the name for it I call it rose

Yang:You two are a perfect match already


Yang chuckles as Ruby lightly punches her shoulder

Yang:So as you already know my name is Yang

Y/n:Kinda figured my name is Y/n L/n nice to meet ya

You two shake hands as she pulls you closer towards her as her eyes glow red

Yang:Better treat her right otherwise things might get ugly

Y/n:I would never hurt her in a million years

Yang's eye color changes from red back to lilac as she smiles

Yang:Good what is your semblance anyway? Ruby never stopped talking about it


Ruby tries to mimic the moves that you used as you chuckle

News Reporter:The robbery was led by nefarious criminal Roman Torchwick who continues ti evade authorities if you have any information on his whereabouts please contact the vale police department back to you Lisa

Lisa:Thank you Cryil in other news this Saturday's faunus civil rights protest turned dark when members of the white fang disrupted the ceremony the once peaceful organization has now disrupted-

The screen vanishes as a hologram of the huntress you saw last night appears

Huntress:Hello and welcome to Beacon

Yang:Who's that?

Glynda:My name is Glynda Goodwitch


Glynda:You are among a privileged few who have received the honor of  being selected to attend this prestigious academy our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace and as future huntsman and huntresses it is your duty to uphold it you have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world

The hologram vanishes as Ruby runs to the window

Ruby:Look you can see signal from up here

You look at the view from below as Yang and places her hand on Ruby's shoulder

Yang:I guess home isn't too far after all Beacon's our home now

Y/n:Well said

Ruby turns her head to look at you


Ruby:I can't wait to see more of that semblance of yours

Y/n:Oh you will don't worry

You then turn to look at a boy with blond hair with a sword strapped to his waist looking like he's about to throw up as he tries to run to a trash can

Yang:I guess the view's not for everyone

Ruby:It was a nice moment while it lasted

Y/n:Yeah your right

Yang:I wonder who we're gonna meet

Ruby:I just hope there better then vomit boy

You then turn to look at vomit on Yang's shoes as you take a few steps back

Ruby:Oh Yang gross you have puke on your shoes!

Yang:Gross, gross, gross, gross, gross

Ruby:Get away from me! Get away from me! Get away from me!

You chuckle as you look out the window

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