First Day Of Class

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After the teams were put together your walking in the halls of Beacon with Glynda as she opens the door to your dorm room

Glynda:Well mister L/n here you are this is your room

Y/n:Thanks miss Goodwitch

Glynda:No trouble just don't be late

Y/n:I won't

She nods and closes the door as you sigh

Y/n:Man I wish I had my old stuff with me when those gods sent me here

A small light suddenly appears as you turn around to see your belongings from your world as you grin

Y/n:Thank you gods

You begin to decorate your room as you have Jojo's Bizarre Adventure posters as well as Dragon Ball posters and a crap ton of Manga on your desks and you finish decorating as you admire your work you nod

Y/n:Well time to get to bed don't want to be late on my first day like Team RWBY did in the show

You hear someone knock on the door as you turn around

Y/n:Come in

The door opens to reveal Ozpin as he walks in with his drink

Ozpin:Mister L/n


Ozpin:Congratulations on getting into Beacon


Ozpin:Well you'll have some scars to brag about

He points to the scar on your face as you touch it you chuckle

Y/n:Yeah I guess my gi did get a bit damaged though

Ozpin:Understandable when your opponent is almost on the same level as you

Y/n:Wait you knew what I was facing?

Ozpin:Of course you did win the fight after all

Y/n:Yeah I guess your right

Ozpin:Are you going to use Shadow Slayer?


Ozpin:I see

Y/n:Even though he was evil he had honor and it would be disrespectful if I don't use the blade he gave me

Ozpin nods and sips his coffee and walks towards the door

Ozpin:Well I can get your outfit fixed before your next class I'll leave it by your desk in the morning for you


He nods as you give him your tattered gi as he walks out the door and closes it as you sigh

Y/n:Welp time to get ready for tomorrow

Time skip brought to you by a chibi Y/n sleeping in chibi Oobleck's class

You wake up the next day as you yawn and get out of bed and stretch

Y/n:Welp time to get ready for a boring class of nothing but stories

You look to your desk as you see your uniform ready then your gi is next to it as it's completely fixed from your battle as you smile

Y/n:Man Oz works fast

You get into the shower and wash up as your done with that you turn off the shower and dry yourself off as you get changed into your Beacon uniform and walk out the door and go to Professor Port's class as you open it he looks at you

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