If I Don't Do It Who Will?

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Your in combat class as Jaune is facing Cardin who laughs as his opponent's tiredness

Jaune:Come on

Jaune readies himself and charges blindly at Cardin as he swings his sword Cardin dodges and attacks Jaune with his mace causing him to be sent flying back as he drops his shield as he gets back up he charges at Cardin again and strikes but Cardin blocks it with his mace and glares at Jaune

Cardin:This is the part where you lose

Jaune:Over my dead-

Cardin interrupts Jaune by kneeing him in the gut causing Jaune to groan in pain and fall to the ground as he looks at Cardin he raises his mace and prepares to slam it on Jaune but the lights turn on

Glynda:Cardin that's enough

Cardin walks away from his opponent as Glynda turns to the class

Glynda:Students as you can see mister Arc's aura has now dropped into the red in a tournament style duel this would indicate that Jaune is no longer fit for battle and that the official may call the match mister Arc it's been weeks now please try to refer to your scroll during combat gauging your aura will help you to decide when it is appropriate to attack or when it's better to move to a more...defensive strategy we wouldn't want you to be gobbled by a beowolf now would we?

Cardin:Speak for yourself 

He places his mace on his shoulder as you scoff as he then turns to you

Cardin:What loser?

Y/n:Oh I know we don't want Jaune to be gobbled up but with you maybe we can make an exception

Cardin growls and walks up to you

Y/n:Oho are you approaching me?

Cardin:I can't wait till we face each other so I can wipe that arrogant grin right off that fucking-

You punch him in the face instantly breaking his aura sending him to the ground as Glynda looks at you

Y/n:Sorry my hand slipped I meant to swat a fly near his direction and he just to happened to be where I was trying to swat 

Cardin:Y-You son of a-

You cough and kick him in the chest

Y/n:Sorry whenever I cough I accidentally kick anyone who's a piece of dog crap

Glynda sighs and begins to speak

Glynda:Remember everyone the Vytal Festival is only a few months away it won't be long before students from the other kingdoms start arriving in Vale so keep practicing

Yang punches in the air as you crack your knuckles as Ruby's excited

Glynda:Those who chose to compete in the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale

The bell rings as Pyrrah looks at Jaune who holds his head down in shame as it's now lunch your sitting with Teams RWBY and JNPR as Nora tells everyone a story

Nora:So there we were in the middle of the night

Ren:It was day

Nora:We were surrounded by ursa

Ren:They were beowolfs

Nora:*Stands up* DOZENS OF THEM!!!!

Ren:Two of them

Nora:But they were no match and in the end Ren and I took them down and made a boatload of lien selling ursa skin rugs

Ren:She's been having this reoccurring dream for nearly a month now

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