What You Two Fight About❤

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Paul: You two fight very rarely, but when you do it's ugly. You two usually fight about the same thing, asking too much from each other. Like Paul asks to much from you or you ask to much from Paul.

John: You two fight about when to be serious and when to not be. Sometimes you want to be serious he doesn't act the same, and vice versa. You can't always be cheeky.

George: You two fight when he thinks one of the boys hit on you and you did nothing about it. He is protective sometimes, but it makes you mad to think that he would accuse his own friends of fliting. And then say you didn't fight back.

Ringo: You two fight when you both are stressed. Like when Ringo had a long day listening to the band argue while getting nothing done and your job isn't going good either. It's just when you both have weight on your shoulders.

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