First Day Rush

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                    "Honey come downstairs you're going to be late!" hollered my mom from the kitchen downstairs. As I rush to throw my messily prepared outfit on, I tied my hair in a messy bun and threw my bag over my shoulder and rushed downstairs. "There you are, god I thought you would never come downstairs." says my mom standing in the kitchen sitting a plate of bacon and eggs on the table, gesturing for me to start eating "Sorry mom my alarm didn't go off when it was supposed to." she shakes her head understanding while I start to shove eggs and bacon down my throat the doorbell rings. "I'LL GET IT!" yells my little sister Sarah she's only in 10th grade. She opens the door expecting someone for herself, but it was my best friend Ashley "Oh it's just you" says my sister as she scoffs and walks away, "Nice to see you too" Ashley says rolling her eyes then she looks at me "Kaitlyn! Glad you're actually excited to see me, Hey Kaitlyn's mom." Ashley ran up to me hugging me tight as I hug her back, my mom looks at us and chuckles "Nice to see you too Ashley." Then we see my little sister dart for the door "I'M LEAVING BYE MOM BYE KAITLYN" As she leaves slamming the door while exiting. 

                   Ashley and I say our goodbyes to my mom as we rush to my car. Ashley hops in the passenger side as I jump in the driver's seat, keys in hand. "So, Kaitlyn" Ashley looks at me with those eyes saying how's-lover-boy. "Ugh Ashley, you know Joseph will never acknowledge me" Ashley rolls her eyes at me then looks me up and down as i drive us to school. 'How could he not, you're my best friend and your hot who wouldn't want you?" I look at her sadly "No one wants me Ashley someone did at one point." I look back onto the road my eyes welling up with tears. "Hey! Damien Sanders was an asshole you deserved better than that piece of shit, you're my best friend and you deserve the world." Ashley says to me as I wipe my eyes. "I know but no one would love me ever again after the shit with Damien everyone thinks I'm garbage." I tell her as she makes a fist "I'm your best friend so if anyone I mean ANYONE tries to fuck with you" Ashley holds her fist up "They're getting a taste of my fist to they're face" I laugh because she always knows how to cheer me up. "You're the best Ashley" I tell her as she looks at me and says, "Your even better Kaitlyn." She says that as we pull into the school. She steps out my car and inhales the fresh air "Ah yes back to this shit hole of a school for the last year." We both laugh as we walk up to the entrance gate.

                   As we walk through the gate, I feel all these eyes on me as if I just walked out of prison or something. "Hey hey! Y'all keep your chit chat goin or I'm sucker punching one of you." Ashley yells as everyone goes back to they're chit chat. "You didn't have to do that ya know?" I tell Ashley as she fans her face "Well it's day one and you were getting stared at of course I was gonna say something." I look at her and roll my eyes. We continued to walk through the school realizing we got there an hour early "How the hell did we manage to roam the whole school with 45 minutes left still?!" Ashley says complaining, then we stop in our tracks to see the most handsome, athletic, guy in the whole school walking towards us, it was Joseph fucking Felton. I stop first and froze not realizing I was staring at him the whole entire time. "Kaitlyn! Your gettin lost in the eyes abort abort, he's walking towards you!" I snap out of it realizing he really was walking right towards me. I tell myself 'Stay cool, stay cool' When I was internally freaking the fuck out. "Hey Kaitlyn how you doing?" says the hottest boy I've ever seen with his dark brown curly hair and his piercing light brown eyes as I see myself lost in them, his smile was the cutest smile I have ever seen. 'O-oh I'm doing great, what about you?" I snap out of it to look over and see his buddy Greyson standing on his side. Something I didn't know he had a thing for Ashley. "I'm glad your doing well I'm doing great myself thanks for asking." He said that with a slight sparkle in his eyes, I was actually talking to the boy who I thought didn't even know I existed.

                  "I'm glad your doing good." I say quietly looking back up at him seeing his gorgeous smile. "Well little lady I've got to go, catch you later?" He says which caught me off guard so I stutter saying "Oh yeah f-for sure." He looked into my eyes with his perfect smile and shining eyes and walked off with Greyson on his side. "Holy fucking shit Kaitlyn! He DOES like you!!" I look at her feeling my heart start to slow down since it was beating out of my chest "I don't think he likes me he was just being nice." I sadly say looking at her when deep down I really wanted him to actually like me. The bell rings as we hug and head our separate ways heading to class. I arrive to class just in time "Hello I'm Mr. Johnson I will be your Economics teacher for the year" This old probably fifty year old teacher says and that's when we all realized this year would be terrible. 

                 Ten minutes into class the door swings open, and guess who walked in. Joseph Felton, he walked in and the teacher gave him an annoyed look as all the girls wooed over him. I can't help but stare myself he was perfect and everything I wanted in a man too. "Tardy on your first day Mr. Felton? Go take a seat anywhere you want" says the teacher looking at him with an annoyed look. "Sorry I'm late I really do apologize" as he smiled showing his amazing teeth. Then  he walks through the isles tons of opened seats, just for him to choose the one next to mine. "Is this seat open?" He said looking at me with those light brown eyes I could look into for days.   "Y-yeah it's open'" I stuttered as he sat his stuff down and chuckled. I could feel his body heat making me want him even more than before, and he smelled fantastic just as a hot bad guy should.

                 I noticed as the class period went by he kept looking over at me probably wondering why I was sweating, it was just because of him. HE made me this way and I couldn't help but to love every second of it. The day went by me and Ashley had lunch and all my classes were boring. I realized my sister snagged my car keys and stole my damn car. "FUCK what are we supposed to do now!?" I yell realizing Ashley told me she had a ride but they wouldn't pick me up either. Whoever it is they are an asshole. Me and Ashley hug and say goodbye as she hops in the car. I stand there looking dumb as always, I hear a faint conversation behind me and its Joseph and Rebecca. Rebecca being his girlfriend always cheated cause she thought she could get away with it, it made me so mad. But as I listened closer Joseph was breaking up with her!? "I'm done dealing with your fucking bullshit Rebecca!" He yells and then I hear a slap and Rebecca said "FINE THEN WE ARE FUCKING DONE!" She yells and runs off into some douchebags car. I turn around realizing Joseph knew I saw everything. He walked up to me rubbing his cheek "Sorry you had to see that Kaitlyn." I'm shocked again he seemed so calm after what just happened. "I-it's okay I understand, and it isn't my business anyways." I say putting my head down as I feel his piercing eyes looking at me and I look up, he blushed and looked away. "Sorry for looking at you, but your beautiful how could I not" He smirks rubbing his neck as I feel my cheeks heat up knowing they turned beet red. "O-oh I didn't think I was that pretty." I said tilting my head down again as I feel his hand lift my chin up. "Of course, your that pretty, your gorgeous." He says making me get so many butterflies as I realize he might actually like me. He leans in to try to kiss me as I hear a loud honk as me and Joseph both jump looking over to see someone, I never wanted to see in my life ever again. Fucking Damien...

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