And Suddenly You Were My Everything

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"How do you feel dude!?" Grayson asks me in his black and white suit basically matching mine. "I'm so nervous I can't believe the day is finally here." He pats my back and says "Your gonna do good man, do you have your vows ready?" He asks as I check the pocket on my suit and pull out a piece of paper. "Right here" As I hold the paper up to him. "Good you can't forget the vows that's like the most important part." We both laugh realizing we gotta head to the venue soon.


"Fuck Ashley I'm hyperventilating I am so nervous" I tell Ashley as she tries to calm me down. "It's going to be just fine, breathe just breathe" She tells me which its surprisingly working. "See everything is gonna be fine" She tells me comforting me. "What if he sees me and thinks I'm ugly? What if he regrets asking me if I'll marry him? Do I look fat? What if he thinks I look fat?" I throw these questions a Ashley, then she grabs me and says "You look just fine, he's gonna think your gorgeous, and him asking you to marry him was the best thing ever he wouldn't regret it I promise." She gets me calm as I fix my hair and makeup, turning sideways in the mirror seeing my bump. "Ashley what if he leaves me after he finds out I'm pregnant?" I ask her slowly. "He wouldn't leave you I promise" She tells me in a reassuring tone as I feel my bump looking at it through the mirror. "Can you believe it, I have a baby growing inside of me." Ashley smiles at me and says "Its crazy, how far along are you again?" she asked as I say "3 months so the bump is a bit bigger." she looks up at me and says "How the hell doesn't he know" We start to laugh and I say "I have no fucking clue its so obvious" We continue to laugh and I check the time "He must be here already the wedding starts in 10 minutes" I start to panic a little. "Are you ready?" Ashley asks me and I nod yes.

Its finally time. Everyone is waiting for me out there. I can feel my heart beating out of my chest. I slowly walk out as everyone looks at me, Josephs eyes go wide as he admires me standing there in his handsome tux. "Kaitlyn time for your vows" Says the priest I take the paper out of my bra then I take a deep breathe in and start to read them. "Joseph since the day I saw you in first grade I instantly started having a crush on you, you were the elementary, middle, and high school bad boy. I didn't think I had a chance with you, I would look at you anytime I saw you, you made me light up it was so weird cause I loved you ever since I laid my eyes on you I knew it was true love I had to have you, and when you walked up to me it made my heart flutter, the day you asked me out my heart skipped a beat knowing our relationship would last a life time, i'm so glad to finally become Ms. Felton and have a life with you filling them with the best memories, I love you." I finish my vows to everyone clapping and crying including Joseph, my eyes were already like a damn waterfall. But now it was Josephs turn.


Her vows had me crying, she looked fantastic in her long mermaid style dress with a sweetheart neckline, she was gorgeous. "Joseph your turn to read your vows." The priest said as I pull the vows out of my pocket and begin to read them, "Kaitlyn when I first laid my eyes on you in kindergarten I felt instantly connected to you it was so weird to me in 1st through 8th grade why I was feeling this way towards you but it was because you were the love of my life all along, saying it out loud does feel a little crazy, but I know its the truth, and when I saw you walking down that isle all I saw was my beautiful soon to be wife, and back when I stopped to you in the halls its because I had to get a closer look at you, your beautiful and I needed you to be mine, I sat next to you in that Economics class knowing how nervous it made you, and when I defended you from Damien all I saw was me defending my Future Wife I knew that you were gonna be mine, you had to be mine, and now look at us were both 24 marrying the person we love, knowing you since you were barely 6 seeing you grow pretty much, you just became more and more beautiful and after today I'm going to be glad to call you my wife for the rest of our lives, I love you." That last line made her and everyone else start to bawl. "Do you Joseph take Kaitlyn to be your lawfully wedded wife?" the priest said so I say "I do"

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