☕ | Pentagrams | ☕

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So earlier today at school, I was learning about compounds of elements and their names and stuff like that.

Well, one of the formulas we had to write down in words was P4O5.

The phosphorous (P) atom would have to have a prefix while the oxygen (O) atom would have to have a prefix and a suffix as well.

Since O5 had five atoms, its prefix would start with pent-.

Me, being the loud mouth that I am, looked over at my teacher and said:

"Like a pentagram!"

I had MEANT pentagon, but oh well! Same thing.

My teacher laughed a little, making me realize what I said and immediately try and fix my answer.

And then from behind me, I heard my friend Allen say, "What kind of things do you do at home??"

I had one job . . .

Jeezums, Diamond. How could you fuck that up?? XD

Like, what?? A pentagram and a pentagon are two VERY different things and THAT'S what came out your mouth?? XD

I can't believe I said that!!

Makes for a good story, though. Can't deny that.

Anyways, that's all I had to share today XD

Keep on shining my little gems and have a lovely day! ✨

Diamond out! 💎

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