
15 3 4

          I'm sick. My nose is all stuffy and I'm just having a coughing fit. Despite it being ugly, I remember the times when you'd take care of me.

          The door to my bedroom opened, prompting me to open my eyes to see the intruder that had come into my room. When I saw who it was, my eyes widened.

          "Yah. What are you doing here? You should be in class," I said, my voice cracking. It was you who had an anxious look on your face. You shook your head, and sighed.

          "I could ask the same about you, Soo. Why didn't you tell me you were sick?" you questioned, sitting next to my figure that lay down on the bed.

          "You shouldn't worry about me! You need to focus on your studies, you dummy," I mumbled, turning my head to the side. All I wanted was for all of your dreams to come true, and that wouldn't happen if you stayed by my side when you needed to be educated.

          "That's the least of my worries. You are more important to me." Despite already having a pink tinted face because of my cold, my face immediately flushes. So, without replying, I turn the other way and close my eyes, making it seem as if I wanted to sleep.

          Then, I heard foot steps exit the room, leaving me there to release the breath that I didn't know I was holding. Just moments later, I heard the door reopen once again, yet I still didn't bother to look at you. You come to my side and hand a cup of medicine to me, a gentle smile on your face.

          "At least have some medicine, baby. You know how lonely I am without you, so being sick wouldn't help," you murmured as I took the cup of medicine and lapped it into my mouth. My nose scrunched at the disgusting taste, but nonetheless took it all in. I set it back on the nightstand, and made grabby hands. I wanted to be cuddled. You chuckled at my action.

          You went around to the other side. I felt the bed dip and a pair of arms wrap around my waist, pulling me backwards onto a built chest. I closed my eyes and a little smile found itself onto my face. No words were spoken but there was no need for words. The love radiated off of our actions, whether they be big or small, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

          "Sleep, my love." With that, I was already drifting off into dream land.

          You made me feel beautiful.

Author's Note

Hey lovelies! How's your life been going? I'm doing pretty well, even though no one really asked. I'm sorry for this rushed chapter but I can't really write with everyone always around me. Yes, I do write in secret, hehe. I just wanted to update sooner than later, so I ended up making this. I'll proofread later, but in the meanwhile, enjoy your life~                                                                     


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