
13 2 6

          I can't help but always stare at the beautiful ring on my finger. You said it was beautiful, just like me.

          I followed Baekhyun hyung down the path that was surrounded with various flowers of exotic natures. He said we were "close". Close? Close to where?

          It all started with Junmyeon hyung coming up to me with a warm smile, handing me what seemed to be a letter.

          "Good luck," he whispered to me, confusion probably written all over my face. I was wary at first, but then, I opened the letter up and read the contents within it.

           Hello my sweet angel~

I've prepared a special something just for you, but I'm going to be a meanie and not tell you where to go directly ㅋㅋㅋ. All I'll say is that there's something ready for you at the place where it all started...

          Your knight in shining armor

          I didn't hesitate and dashed out of the campus garden, and made my way to the worn down park that wasn't too far away from where I previously was. There was no doubt that I was excited for the "special something" you had prepared for me.

          The park. It looked hideous, but it was beautiful in my eyes. It pushed so many memories my way and a smile danced its way onto my lips. I looked around, looking for whatever I was supposed to get.

          Then, I found it. It was another letter on one of the slides. I opened it.

          Why hello again~

          I see that you have found the right place, hopefully quickly at that. It definitely rings many bells, doesn't it? I'm glad we met that night, or I don't know what I would've done with my life. Anyways, time for your next hint. Where to next but the place where Minnie hyung tried to make us kiss....

          Your knight in shining armor

          What the- The place where Minseok hyung tried to make us kiss? It finally clicked. Of course! It was that time where the gang decided we should meet up at the movies and when you and I weren't dating at that time. 

          Minnie hyung found our faces so close to each other (yes, we had very obvious crushes on each other) and said, "Just kiss already!" and pushed our heads together to attempt to get us to kiss. I remember how you and I kept on lightly hitting him for doing that and how our faces were as red as a tomato. 

          I chuckled before running to the movie theater, which thankfully, wasn't far either. Yet, the theater is so big, I wondered how I'd find a mere letter in there. As soon as I arrived, a note caught my eyes, taped onto the display of the new movie that came out recently. It was the movie that I really wanted to watch, but I didn't have much time to go watch it.


          You found this too? Great job, my little Kyungie! And don't worry, I already bought tickets to this movie for later since you really wanted to see it, but that's for later. Well, you're so close to the end! I just need you to use your little legs once more and go to the place that you loved to visit when your were little...

          Your knight in shining armor

          Hmph. I'm not little. I made it a note to scold you about our height differences later. Where did I go when I was little? How would you know? Probably because of Baekhyun or Jongdae hyung. But seriously, I don't exactly remember where I used to go when I was little.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2020 ⏰

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