Who would the seven be in other fandoms?

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BBC's Sherlock:

Percy- Watson

Annabeth- Mary

Leo- Sherlock

Jason- Mycroft

Piper- Irene Adler

Frank- Greg Lestrade

Hazel- Molly


The Kane Chronicles:

Percy- Carter

Annabeth- Zia

Leo- Felix

Jason- Walt

Piper- Sadie

Frank- Amos

Hazel- Jaz



Percy- OLAF!

Annabeth- Elsa

Leo- The Salesman. Yoohoo!

Jason- Kristtoff (Christopher)

Piper- Anna

Frank- The king troll.

Hazel- Mama troll (Bulda)


The Rise of The Guardians:

Percy- Jack Frost (JELSA!!!)

Annabeth- Pippa or Cupcake (I see Cupcake as Clarisse more though)

Leo- North (Santa Claus)

Jason- The Easter Bunny (Bunny)

Piper- Tooth Fairy

Frank- The Sand Man

Hazel- Baby Tooth


The Lion King:

Percy- Simba

Annabeth- Nala

Leo- Rafiki

Jason- Kovu

Piper- Kiara

Frank- Zazu

Hazel- Sarabi


Les Miserables:

Percy- Marius or Jean Valjean

Annabeth- Cosette or Fantine

Leo- Grantaire

Jason- Enjolras

Piper- Eponine (He he sorry Pipes but someone had to be my favorite character :P)

Frank- Marius (Yes, Marius.) Or Valjean

Hazel- Cosette or Fantine

(Percy and Annabeth could be Marius and Cosette and Hazel and Frank could be Fantine and Jean Valjean I can't decide.)


The Avengers:

Percy- Clint Barton (Hawkeye)

Annabeth- Natasha Rominov (Black Widow)

Leo- Tony Stark (Iron Man)

Jason- Steve Rodgers (Capsicle/Captain America) or Thor (Aka Thor)

Piper- Pepper Pots (Yes her. I know her and Tony are a thing, I'm going by personality here XD)

Frank- Bruce Banner (The Hulk)

Hazel- Maria Hill (Agent Hill)



Percy- Logan. (The Wolverine)

Annabeth- Jean Gray

Leo- Pyro

Jason- Charles Xavier (Professor X)

Piper- Storm

Frank- Beast (Not from Beauty and the Beast)

Hazel- Rouge

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