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I don't usually ship guys together but serious, these guys are adorable. Well, make that adorkable... :P

Some head canons I made... (Well, if I'm correct on the definition of Head canon ;) )

Headcanon #1: When Percy and Annabeth show up to get ultrasounds done with Will, Nico comes and visits Will but ends up being all awkward with Percabeth.

#2: Hazel gets pregnant so Nico constantly nags Will about keeping the baby safe and asks if it's doing okay every five seconds.

#3: Nico takes Will on a date and they're driven by Jules-Albert.

#4: Nico walks in on Will singing 'Pocket of Sunshine'

#5: While Nico and Will are talking someone sneaks up behind them and starts playing 'Bad Case of Loving You' By Robert Palmer. (Look it up if you don't know it :P)

#6: (I saw something like this on Tumblr) Will loves summer and sunshine so in the Winter he's really lazy and pitful so he huddles in a blanket and forces Nico to come in with him.

#7: Will wakes up from a bad nightmare and Nico calms him back to sleep by singing or murmuring Italian.

#8: When Nico gets the Flu Will gives him soup, tea etc. And nurses him back to health; Nico pretends to hate being smothered but secretly loves the attention from Will.

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