Chapter ? (Backstory)

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"Mom, I'm going out with Maya!" I ran to the door and sat down, tying my shoelaces. Maya was waiting outside for me, almost shaking with excitement.

"Okay hon. Come home before the street lights! And stay with someone!" She called from the kitchen, where she was making making dinner for when my grandparents came over, pots and pans floating in the air. I raced out the door and started down the street, Maya following close behind. It didn't take long to make it to the neighborhood park. Kids were already gathering around in a big semi-circle. One of my closest friends, Jack, stood in the center. I pushed through and joined him in the middle.

"Took you long enough" He teased.

"Yeah, well some of us have actual responsibilities" I sneered back, and then faced the crowd of expectant kids. "Okay, so does everyone remember the rules? Last person to be found is the next seeker! You have to stay outside, and only to the end of the street!" The kids around all nodded their heads at the recap of the rules. We had been planning this game for a bit now, and picked out a day with the max amount of kids who could join. There were a couple families at the park, watching us getting ready to start. There were plenty of younger siblings watching us as well.

None of us had gotten our quirks yet. There weren't a lot of older kids in the neighborhood to begin with, and they mostly stayed to themselves, like my older brother. He spends a lot of his time trying to control his quirk. It was a complicated quirk, I gave up trying to understand it a while ago. He could do some fancy thing with computers, that's all I knew.

"To determine who will seek first, we will be applying the rules of..." I stared into the crowd, all of them waiting expectantly, pausing fro dramatic effect. "Nose goes!" Everyone's hand flew to their faces, a couple of the younger crowd smacking themselves in the process. We all looked around, and found one member with his hands on his hips instead of his face.

"I'll go first as seeker!" Jack stood defiantly. "Since it'll be easy enough to find everyone." A chorus of offended "hey"s arouse from the children. He had told me ahead of time he was going to seek first. I just sighed at his smile.

"All right! You head over to the swing set and start counting." We all watched him cross the wood chips, no one daring to make a move till his eyes closed. He sat down and gave us one last smirk, before closing his eyes tight and shouting "ONE!"

We all ran off down the street, splitting up the pack as we went. Lots of kids had planned out their hiding spots already, and you could see kids who had the same spot argue over who would get to hide there. Maya and I ran to the right, and into a backyard. We had gone over our plan about a million times. We would move around behind certain backyards, moving backwards as the seeker will move forward, till we could sneak back into the park, and hide just within the nearby woods. We just had to run it without being seen.

Jack started yelling out the numbers again. "48! 49!" He dragged out the 9, making us wait for the final number. "50! READY OR NOT HERE I COME!" I could all of the kids suddenly quiet down, as if everyone was holding their breath. No one wanted to be the first one found. Knowing Jack, he would probably find lots of people, wait to call it for someone he didn't like the most. That used to be Maya, ever since I grew to be friends with her, he has been nicer.

Suddenly, a shout was heard. "Oh Come ON!" It sounded like Patty. Jack had it out for her ever since she shoved his brother down a hill. The shout had come from farther down the street. Me and Maya peeked out from behind out fence and saw Jack approaching her towards the other end of the street, smiling. We faced each other and nodded, and started on our journey back to the park, passing others in hiding. We had almost made it, we just had the final stretch across the park to the woods, which had about 0 cover. Maya and I had lost Jack on our way over, and had no way of telling where he was. We both started to sweat.

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