13 : An Invitation

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Mindjournal #25

2 August 1600 hours

Slept in the hammock last night. Left through door when Pandora fell asleep. Told Jones to unlock it for while she's here so she doesn't get suspicious. Woke up and returned before she realised.

Now is 4pm. We are sitting around.

Clearly Cobbs, whoever he is, is not coming to find us.

That leaves us to find the other teenagers with enhanced abilities. How do we know they're teenagers? Apparently Paige mentioned to Pandora before that all but one are teenagers.

"The best place to start would be the school," Pandora says.

School? Mustn't tell her the truth, so I just agree.

And then she comes up with, "I've never seen you at the school before," and narrows her eyes at me suspiciously.

Told her I've never seen her either. Probably different classes, I fib.

The accusing look leaves and she shrugs. "Probably. So, we start tomorrow?"

How? "We can't just go around scrutinizing people's collarbones," I protest.

She shrugs, unsure. "Some opportunity will come up."

"Always does," I reply sarcastically.

It is night when I fully accept the fact that Cobbs is not coming. At least, not soon enough.

We will have to search for the others by ourselves.

The next day, we head to school, though I get the feeling that he's letting me lead.

When we reach the corridor, he looks up around at the room numbers, then goes into a classroom.

I enter mine and the first thing I see is students chattering excitedly, waving golden embossed cards around.

I sit down at my desk, looking around and wondering what's going on.

Then Jet comes up to me and hands me a card that's similar to the ones I've just seen.

"My family is throwing a masquerade ball," he explains. "To celebrate my birthday. They said I could invite anyone I wanted, and you're one of them. All the details you need are on the card. I really hope you'll come, Aisling."

I attempt to give him a smile. "Thanks. I think I will."

He grins and faces away for a moment. Then he turns back to me and adds, "By the way, everyone's allowed a plus one."

We get to bring an extra person to the party? Well, I have no questions about who I'm taking along.

mindjournal #26

3 August 1805 hours

"What? No, I'm not going to the party!" I protest.

"You wanted an opportunity to find the others, here it is," Pandora tells me exasperatedly.

"As if we have a better chance at finding them at a party than at school!" I reply, but I know she's winning.

"You know we do. The number of people is narrowed down because the party's exclusive," she concludes. "It'll be easier."

I suppress a growl and stomp away, only there's no real way to escape this conversation because this shed is so damn small.

School today was terrible and now I have to go to a party with them there!

This morning in class, everyone stared at me, probably because they've never seen me before.

The worst was when the Four kids spotted me - they know I should be locked away. But I haven't seen them for years; I hoped they didn't recognise me.

Had no seat. But that didn't bother me - found one on the floor with no desk.

The teacher was suspicious immediately. "Looks like we have a new student. What's your name, boy?" He asked in a patronizing tone.

Mumbled my name and he asked for my surname and I told him I didn't have one.

"You're a Four, not a Zero. I don't think you were thrown out of your home with no parents to take a surname from," he says skeptically.

Told him as a matter of fact I am, asshole.

Got sent out of class for rudeness but hey, I was just following his example.

Now, I reconsider going. The party WILL make things easier. Hate to admit it, but Pandora is right.

Reluctantly agreeing to go. Pandora is satisfied.

Hope we find at least one of them soon.

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