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Conan x Fem!Reader

Your POV

There's not much in this world that makes sense, but Conan and I do. We've been best friends practically since we were shitting in diapers at my Aunt Graciela's house. Conan has always been an independent kid, and my family took him in as their own. We grew up together, going through every high and low right by each other's side. Conan is older than me, and he likes to make fun of me for being so 'young,' even though I'm only a year and a half younger than that fool. As of now, I'm getting ready to celebrate my eighteenth birthday tomorrow. Conan and I have been living together with my aunt for about six years now, and my aunt frequently leaves every few months for work conferences. She's leaving for one in Florida tomorrow night. She trusts us with everything in her body, so Conan and I staying alone for months at a time was never a concern. We'd usually just snuggle up on the couch and watch sappy romance movies anyway. However, lately I've been feeling a tension between Conan and I that I've never felt before. I figured it was just me overthinking, so these past few months I've been ignoring it. Although, there is a part of me that's wondering where this tension is coming from.

"Wake up you fucker!" I was sleeping peacefully until Conan started shaking me around, loudly whispering in my ear. "Ughhhh...What do you want? It's 4 AM, Conan. Shouldn't you be asleep like the rest of us?" I say, dragging my forearm over my eyes. Conan pulls my arm off of my face and exclaims, still in a half-whisper, "You slipped out of your mom's vagina at this time eighteen years ago today! Get up I have a surprise for you!" Defeated, I slide the covers off of my frail frame, Conan standing up and grasping my hand to lead me to his room across from mine. I walk into his room and see what looks like a hundred photos hung along strings dangling from his ceiling. His walls were draped with dainty fairy lights, creating a soft yellow hue on each photo. The photos ranged from various memories, from us playing in a kiddie pool, to us going to our first ever school dance together. I grinned as I made my way down each strand of photos. Taking a hold of Conan's hand, I reached the last strand, which only had five pictures on it instead of six. "Conaaaaan, you know I'm a stickler for even numbers!" I said jokingly, pointing at the empty spot next to the fifth photo. "Hey, I had to make sure I had at least one thing to annoy you with!!" He laughed back at me, pulling me into a deep hug. "Thank you Conan, this means a lot to me. I don't know what I'd do without you." I smiled into his warm chest. "Anything for you, you made me the person I am today. I love you!"
"I love you too, Cone."
• 10 AM •
I woke up to the smell of chocolate chip pancakes and scrambled eggs. Excited for what today holds, I quickly change into a gray NASA crop top and some black sweatpants. I skip down the hall to the kitchen, my eyes spotting Conan on pancake duty, and Aunt Graciela on egg duty.
"Goodmorning!!" I shout, causing Conan to jump and drop a pancake on the floor. Conan shoots me a dirty look, and in response I blew a tiny kiss at him, winking before turning away. Aunt Gracie finishes cooking the eggs and gives me a tight hug, "Awwww... look at you, it feels like just yesterday you were a little baby, and now you're all grown up."
I chuckle and sit down at the kitchen table waiting for my food to be served. Conan fixes three plates for all of us and makes his way to the chair next to mine, Aunt Gracie sitting in front of the two of us. We had no major plans today, I just wanted to stay in and watch some movies while eating pizza and other various junk food. Aunt Gracie and Conan both prefer to stay indoors anyway, so it all worked out.
"So how do you like the legal life?" Conan asked, his voice sounding as smooth as honey as it usually does. "Doesn't feel much different than illegal life? Cone you're such a weirdo sometimes..." I giggle, taking a bite of my scrumptious pancakes. "Don't get too comfortable young lady, now all the men are gonna be pining after you." Aunt Gracie says, nudging Conan and winking at me. "Alright, I take that back Conan. Aunt Gracie, I think you may be weirder than Conan, and that's saying something!" We all laugh in harmony and finish our food, with various banter here and there.
• 5 PM •
The three of us spent hours watching movies, and Aunt Gracie went to her room to finish packing for her conference. Conan and I were sitting side by side, my head on his shoulder and his arm snaked loosely around my waist. Every so often, Conan's fingers would twitch, causing a split second of contact on my bare skin exposed from my crop top. When he touched me, I felt this..electricity that I've never felt before. Does this tie in with the unspoken tension between us? Overwhelmed, I stuffed my mouth with more buttery popcorn to distract my thoughts.
• 7 PM •
Aunt Gracie came into the living room, suitcase in hand, "Alright kiddos, my Uber will be here any second, I love you guys! Be careful while I'm gone!" Conan stood up first, embracing my aunt while I set my bowl of popcorn down on the couch. I stepped towards Aunt Gracie, playfully pushing Conan out of the way, "Bye Auntie! I'll see you in two months!" And with that, her Uber pulled up, and she left the house all to me and Conan. The thought of being here alone with Conan made me feel tingly inside. Why? It's not like we haven't done this millions of times before. But this time it felt...different. I decided to finally admit to myself what I've been thinking all along. I have feelings for Conan. But why all of a sudden? Why right here right now? I can't help but feel a slight sense of hope that Conan might make a move tonight, even though he's never shown signs of interest in me. Shaking it off, I walk to the kitchen to grab a soda, leaving Conan at the couch. While reaching in the fridge, I hear what sounds like metal clacking. I make my way back to the couch and see that Conan set up the pull-out bed that stays under the couch cushions. Confused, I ask, "Whatcha doin' there bud?" "The couch was getting uncomfortable so I thought I'd give us some more space! Plus I just thou—" His voice trails off in my head as I zone out. I stared into his chocolate brown eyes, observing the small flecks of lighter brown within his irises. My eyes float to his smooth, voluminous hair, the shape being somewhere in-between wavy and straight. His fresh shampoo scent radiates off of his locks, filling my nostrils with a sense of familiarity and warmth. And his lips, his soft pillowy pink lips look so welcoming. I didn't know what to do, what to think. I've never looked at Conan this way before, and now that I have, I can't stop. I was in deep thought until Conan slowly grabbed my hand, "Hey, are you alright? You're acting weird." I shake my head and run my hands through my hair, "I'm alright! I was zoning out thinking about how To All the Boys I've Loved Before needed a better ending, sorry." Conan chuckles and sits down on the mattress, "If you say so." I giggle in response and sit down next to him while grabbing the remote to put a new movie on.

The end credits start rolling, and Conan gets up to use the bathroom. While he's away, I start scrolling through twitter to pass time. I took a quick moment to glance around the house to see if Conan was almost out, only for my ears to be filled with his smooth honey voice whispering right behind me. How he got there without me seeing? I have no idea. He softly whispered, "Come into my room really fast, I have your birthday present." His whisper sent shivers down my spine. It was sultry, almost seductive. I slowly stood up, following him to his room. He still had the decorations up from early this morning, except the fairy lights were replaced with bright candles. He led me to his bed, with us sitting across his candle-filled nightstand. My heart fluttered, I didn't know what to expect, and his gaze met mine as he spoke, "So, the big one-eight, huh? It's about time you baby!" I blushed after hearing him call me baby, but I played it off with a laugh and replied, "Don't even, you know damn well a year and a half isn't a big diff—" My sentence gets shortened by Conan's lips pressing against mine. I was surprised, but I quickly let myself melt into his touch. The sensation I was feeling was indescribable. I felt like I was on cloud nine. His warm hands were attached to my body, his right resting on my cheek, his left trailing along the curve of my hip. I slid my hands into his soft hair, twirling pieces between my fingers as he pulled me closer to him. Was this really happening? Was I really kissing my lifelong best friend? My brain was overcome with thoughts, interrupted by a sudden click. As we part our bodies, I look toward his nightstand and catch a glimpse of Conan's digital camera sitting there, lens pointed right at us through the candles. Soon after, I heard the wireless photo printer printing what I assumed was the moment the two of us just shared. He pulled the photo off of the printer and made his way to the last string of photos from his surprise earlier today. I followed and watched as he gently opened the sixth wooden clip and attached the photo to it. Conan lifted my chin up gently and whispered, "How's that for an even number? Happy birthday, baby."

word count | 1765

Conan Gray x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now