Best Friend's Brother

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Conan x Fem!Reader

Your POV

Today was the last day of school before spring break. I couldn't be happier, mainly because I'm spending spring break in Florida with my best friend and her family. My family and I never had enough money for all of us to travel together, so I saved as much money as I could for this trip with my best friend Kelly. Part of me was especially excited to see her older brother Conan. He wasn't much older than me, and he graduated high school this past year; whereas Kelly and I are seniors currently. I first met Conan sophomore year in my honors math class. At the time, I had no idea he was related to Kelly. It wasn't until I slept over at her house that I realized they were, in fact, siblings. Any time I would hang out at Kelly's house, I found myself hoping I would catch his eye as I walked by him, sometimes even wearing a stronger perfume in hopes of my scent lingering as I leave. I've never told anyone about my crush on Conan, especially not Kelly. Every so often she'll tell me stories about Conan and various girls he has talked to romantically. She seems to have high expectations in regards to what kind of girl he should be with, seeing as every girl has something wrong with her that makes her unfit for him. What would she think if she knew her best friend liked her brother? Conan and I never really interact much, only the rare occasions when I show up at Kelly's doorstep unexpectedly when she's not home yet. Any time I'm around him and we're alone, scenarios make their way into my imagination without my knowing, and it causes me to tense up and be very short towards Conan. Although, I don't think he notices much due to his bubbly and energetic personality, causing him to do most of the talking. I hope this trip will give me the opportunity to spend some alone time with Conan, although I doubt that will be the case.

Kelly and I were bouncing our legs under our desks eagerly while watching the analog clock mounted to the wall. It was our last class of the day, and we only had a few minutes until spring break starts. Last night we spent hours triple-checking our luggage, making sure we had everything we needed for our excursion. I was super excited to finally leave our horrid state, particularly because I have been confined here for almost eighteen years now. I wanted something new, something refreshing. This would be a time for so many firsts. First airplane ride, first time out of state, I'd even be traveling into a new time zone! Needless to say, I'm overly excited.

Before I knew it, the bell rang, shaking me out of my thoughts. Kelly yanks my arm as she runs out of the door, causing me to bump into three other people on our way out. "Kelly! A little bit of a warning next time please!" I huff, trying to catch my breath after we finally came to a stop. "I'm sorry girl! I'm just SO EXCITED for this trip! Besides, what's the harm in having a little extra time to make sure we're all ready before heading to the airport?" She exclaims as we're making our way to the parking lot, Kelly pulling her car keys out of her jeans pocket. "Hm.. I don't know, maybe the fact that we spent so much time making sure we had literally everything we needed for this trip AND MORE?" I state, shooting her a half-assed dramatic expression, causing her to giggle. "Yeah yeah, just get in the car and shush." She laughs, and when we reach her car, we hop in and head to her house.

The ride to the airport was fairly uneventful, however Kelly sat in the passengers side because she was on aux duty, which caused Conan to sit in the back with me. To make matters even worse for my nerves, the edge seat on the left side was folded down to make room for some of our beach essentials, a big beach bag poking out of the trunk and into the back of the car. Because of the abundance of luggage, Conan was right at my side, our shoulders brushing from time to time due to the occasional bumps in the road. Not wanting to think about Conan right next to me, I leaned against the window and fell asleep.

I woke up as Kelly's mom was parking, and I quickly realized that I somehow shifted to Conan, my head resting in the crook of his neck. I felt my cheeks heat up profusely as I sat up, "Oh.. um.. I-I'm sorry for sleeping on you.." I stutter, my cheeks turning a bright red as my eyes avert from his chocolate brown ones. "It's okay! Your small snores and occasional deep exhales were kind of soothing." The brunette boy half-whispers to me, quiet enough to where only the two of us could hear, Kelly's music still playing in the car. I feel my body tense slightly at his words, my hands finding their way into my hair, brushing it back in a poor attempt to control my thoughts. Not able to come up with words, I playfully push his shoulder and unbuckle my seatbelt, Conan sticking his tongue out at me and scrunching his nose. God he's so effortlessly cute. We all get our luggage out of the car and head inside the airport.

I make my way down the plane aisle, searching for my seat. When Kelly's mom handed me my ticket, I assumed I would be sitting next to Kelly, so I didn't bother checking our tickets to see if they were in the same row. I load up my carry-on and sit in my seat waiting for Kelly. As I was checking the time and looking out the window, I feel a body sit down next to me. I turn, "Girl, I've never been on a plane before, what if something goes wro—" I feel my vocal cords freeze. My eyes are met with the cute brown-haired boy adjusting his white t-shirt and ruffling his hair, adding a tad more volume to it than before. His gaze meets mine, and for a split second, I felt time stop. Quickly shaking me out of my thoughts, Conan starts, "Last time I checked I'm not a girl, but I promise you nothing will go wrong. Plane rides are fun! There's nothing to be scared of." He flashes me a teethy grin, his teeth almost glowing at how white they were. My eyes shift up slightly, noticing his perfect pink lips, part of me wishing they were on mine. This plane ride is going to be hell.

The ride was pretty uneventful besides the snoring from tired passengers and an occasional cry from the few children on the same flight as us. Once we got all of our luggage from the conveyor belt, Kelly, Conan, and I rode in an uber to the beach while Kelly's mom went to check in to our hotel room. The three of us wanted to get some beach time in since we had been stuck on that plane with nothing to do. "IT'S PARTY TIME BITCHES!" Kelly screams as we hop out of our uber. Conan and I share a 'here we go' look with each other before he rolls his eyes and chuckles at his sister's behavior. "I can't wait to finally swim in a large body of water that's clear!" I shout, the adrenaline kicking in. Conan puts his arms around the both of us and says, "Last one in the water is a rotten egg!" With that, the three of us sprint towards the crystal clear water, completely disregarding the fact that sand was going to cake up in our shoes. As we were running, I took a moment to look at Conan. The sun was going to set soon, and the yellow-orange tone of the sun radiating off of Conan's face made him look ethereal. His curly hair was whipping backward as he ran due to his speed, and it seemed like time was slowing down in this moment. Next thing I know, I'm under the warm and salty water, not realizing I zoned out to the point where I completely forgot why I was running. I come up for air, not realizing the tan boy was directly in front of me as I stumble into his chest. "Oh shit, my bad." I say, wiping my eyes with my hands in an attempt to get rid of the stinging from the saltwater. He wraps his arm around my shoulder swiftly, giving me butterflies, "Don't worry about it squirt, not all of us can be as talented as me." I playfully push him off of me and splash his chest with some water. As I do so, I notice how his white t-shirt sticks to his frame, highlighting every indentation of his arms and chest, making me breathe a little heavier and avert my eyes back to his before he notices that I'm checking him out like a library book. I think he caught on though, judging by his hair flip and wink, all while not breaking eye contact. I felt shivers make their way down my spine. Trying to distract myself, I scan the water for my best friend, realizing she never popped out of the water like Conan and I did. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I see her sitting in the sand next to a muscular boy with blonde hair and blue swim trunks. 'That son of a bitch! Go on girl, get you some!' I think to myself, laughing at the fact that she let Conan and I race each other so she could talk to a cute stranger. I don't blame her though, I would've done the same. I turn back to Conan and realize he's not there. Confused, I swim farther away from the shore and look for his brown mop, when all of a sudden I feel a force pulling me underwater. Conan. His hands gripped my waist, pulling me underwater and my hands aimlessly feel around for his body, trying to use him to propel my body to the surface. I will say, trying to fight underwater without being able to see is very challenging. His torso finds its way between my thighs, his firm hands holding my legs beside his frame, and I instinctively wrap my arms around his shoulders. He finally lifts me to the surface, my mind not comprehending the position we're in as I inhale a deep breath. Conan flips his hair back, effectively moving it out of his face, and I dip my head back, the water reaching my forehead before I slowly bring my head up, slicking my hair back in the process. "And what exactly was your end goal?" I laugh, giving Conan a fake stern look. He smiles, "Dunno. But I saw the opportunity and I took it." I scoffed, "Pfft. Since when was that ever a good excuse?" Conan's eyes bore into my own, his face looking like he's in deep thought. "Whatcha doing there bud?" I say, poking his forehead to get him out of his trance. "You see how Kelly saw the opportunity to talk to that guy over there?" He starts, turning us around and pointing in Kelly's direction with his head, his hands still holding my legs against him. "Yeah, why? We all know Kelly is the type to go for what she wants." I shrug, not understanding why he was asking. "Well.. I have been wanting to try something for quite a while now, but I never took the step towards using an opportunity to my advantage, and I'm debating on whether or not I should be like my sister and just go for it." His tone shifts slightly, his gaze meeting my puzzled one. I reply, "Well.. You never know if you don't try, right?" Part of me wants to use my own opportunities in my favor, especially the one I have been given in this very moment, but I also know that Conan would never feel the same way I feel towards him, so I shake off the thought. 'That doesn't mean I don't wish I could kiss him right now underneath the sunset, though.' I thought, my heart fluttering at the mere thought of kissing him. A short moment of silence falls between us, Conan's brows furrowing before he speaks, "Yeah, I guess you're right. It's now or never, isn't it?" Still confused, I say, "Okay so stop being so mysterious.. What are you talking ab—" As I'm talking, Conan tenderly places his hand under my cheek, looks into my eyes, then my lips. Within a split second, his lips are on mine, cutting me off as he pulls my body closer into him. I quickly kiss him back, my hands getting tangled in his salty brown hair. His lips felt softer than any pillow I've ever laid my head on, and his lips tasted of strawberry with a hint of salt. Kissing him felt like a drink of water after being stuck in the desert for years without it. Kissing him made my heart explode, this is what I've dreamed of since I met the boy in my sophomore math class. All of my worries washed away with the waves of the ocean as Conan and I were intertwined. After what felt like the longest kiss ever, we pulled away, a bright crimson forming over my cheeks, the same happening to the boy in front of me. "Wow.. I—" I begin, my brain turning into mush and my lips already missing his. He smiles, pecking me on the lips softly, "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that." Feeling like words weren't needed at this moment, I pull his shoulders into my body, my head resting in the crook of his neck once more. He lightly kisses my neck, and I whisper, "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to do that." We both laugh and regain composure.

By this time, the sun has already gone down, twinkling stars beginning to reveal themselves. Conan and I reach the shore, shaking the water off of our bodies and trying to act like we didn't just lock lips earlier when approaching Kelly. We dry off and start walking to the hotel not too far from where we were at. Kelly led the way, Conan and I dragging slightly behind, exchanging loving looks every so often. 'What the hell do I tell Kelly?' I thought, the realization of tonight finally hitting me. I brush it off and decide that's a problem for future me to figure out. Kelly breaks the silence, "So did you guys finally admit your feelings for each other?" She asks, her back still facing the both of us as we're walking. Conan and I freeze and look at each other, Conan rubbing the back of his neck nervously, unsure of what to say. "Guys come on. I'm not dumb, I've been waiting for you guys to grow some balls and admit it for years now!" She laughs, finally turning to us and notices our flustered demeanors. The three of us look around at each other, and we all burst into laughter. "Kelly, you're a bitch. I can't believe you knew this whole time." Conan said to his sister, kicking sand at her. "Hey, I'm not a meddler! Besides, I knew eventually you guys would confess. I'm happy for the both of you." She smiles, putting her arms around our shoulders. With that, we all walk side by side to our room, excited to see what tomorrow holds.

word count | 2677

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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